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Question: What is your imput on breaking dawn
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the best answer goes to the person who spent the most effort and is a true twilighterWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Wellll!.!.!. I loved the book!. Renesmee was a great twist in the story!.!. honestly, I was expecting a little more action!.!. I expected a fight with the Volturi and maybe even a death of an important character!. Not having a fight was a little disappointing!.!. I cried alot in that book! ha ha!. I thought Jake was gonna kill Bella!.!. I thought that's what the prolouge meant!.!. uhmm!.!.!. and well I thought the cover resembled Jake and Edward and they were gonna fight!.!. I thought Jake would imprint on a denali vampire while he was up there!.!. i guess i was kinda close on that cause he imprinted on a half vampire!.!. I loved the part where Emmett was making the sex jokes!.!. like "about time somebody scored around here" ha ha!. I really liked Seth in this book!. He had a great personality! I hated how Jake told Charlie!.!. I was shocked when Alice and Jasper left!.!. I was also upset when Jake and Nessie were gonna leave!.!.I really wish she would write another book from Bella's Point of view because I want to hear about Nessie and Jake's future and how she grows up!.!. Alice also mentioned the Volturi would be back!.!. I wanna hear how that goes!.!. She could make us a surprise book like JK Rowling did with Harry Potter!. :) I liked the part from Jake's Point of View!. I think that would be a great project for her after she write's from Edward's POV!.!. Because it would be interesting to know what he went through when he realized he's a "shape shifter" and how he felt when Edward left and he was with Bella!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I loved the Wedding, and the first part of the honeymoon, then it turned bad!.

Least favorite: Bella giving birth!.

I thought the book was horrible as soon as I finished reading it and thought it was a total One Star rated book, but then after awhile as I got used to the idea, it has turned into a 2!.5 rated book for me!.

I'm still disappointed by SM!. She ruined the book by changing it from about BellaxEdward to all about Nessie!.

And I hated how Bella had to give NOTHING up!. The third book was all about the sacrifice she had to make, and then she sacrificed nothing!. She didn't have to suffer the thirst of a newborn, got Charlie, didn't have to move, didn't give up human emotions, didn't give up children!.!. The list goes on and on!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I enjoyed Breaking Dawn, but it was by no means my favorite book in the series!. It was better then New Moon!. At first I thought that Jacob imprinting on Nessie was disturbing but i got used to it after awhile!. It's not like he wanted to make out with her or have sex, he just wanted to protect her!. I was sad that there wasn't a fight between the volturi and the other vampires!. It seemed it was an anti-climax, it led up to that point then all of a sudden it was over, know reason to go on an on about it!. There were some really funny parts in the book though!. Like Emmet making those jokes and I love Alice to death!. I thought that the first part of the book (bella's point of view) was good but once they got to the honeymoon it seemed, i don't know, boring!. I loved Jacbo and his view, how he could communicate with the others and Edward could hear his mind!. But it was repetitive after awhile!. He eats, sleeps, talks to Leah and that's about it!. But he was pretty funny with his hate for the vampires!. Bella's 2nd point of view was good!. It showed so much, and I was glad she got to be a vampire and had all that power!. I don't think her pregnancy was disturbing or Jacob imprinting on Renesmee!. I mean, if you think about it their only about 17 years apart, Bella and Edward are 90 or so!. But I know, he made out with Bella now like her daughter!. Bella did feel different because she was harder to relate to for teens because she was now married and had a daughter!. She had grown up!.But I liked the solution because it made everyone happy!.
I am mad that everyone is so upset with the book!. Deal with it , there's not much you can do!. It ended good, just because it was nothing that we expected is okay!. I've heard people say that it was badly written!. I don't think so at all!. She's a very good writer actually!. She just wrote what she liked more than what her fans would like which is good and bad!.
Sorry, some of this is copied from another question I answered but it sums up what I thought of the book

Okay so Breaking Dawn at first was my least favorite book!. I thought it was so random, and I didn't like how Bella and Edward kept having "it"!. Then the way the whole beginning was was just like Fan-Fiction that I read about 9 months ago, so I thought that was a bit odd!. But once I was at Jacob's book I liked it a lot!. I really liked how it got us to understand Jacob a lot more, and I absolutely loved the jokes and remarks he had about Rosalie!. But it was also really depressing to see the torture he went through when he was around Bella!. It was so gross reading and actually imagining the whole birth scene, and I loved when Jacob imprinted! :D Then when Bella was a Vampire for the rest of the book was my favorite part! I felt so sad when Alice left, but when she explained herself it was a lot better!. I really liked how Edward knew that they won when he heard Alice! That was perfect!. I would probably read this book again but I would definitely skip the birth scene!.!.that was way to gruesome!. And I didn't enjoy the Volturi part, there was no fight at all!. I was sad about that!.!.!. I wanted to see Bella fight!. also Bella didn't have to lose anything, which was good and dissapointing, but It's all good!. =]

How did you feel about the book!?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, the "true twilighter" comment makes me a bit nervous, do you mean people who loved it or the people that want to stick up for the integrity of the first three!?
Favorites: The first chapter!. The second chapter!. But the wedding!.!.!. it happened too fast, in a blur, (though i was willing to accept it at first, thinking thats what stephenie was going for) and it marked the beginning of the emotional detachedness of the reader!. Starting there in book three, I felt nothing!. the honeymoon's!.!.!. well, events!.!.!. the bruising!. That made me wonder how that could have happened in the first place!.!.!. bruise lines that traced around her body that lined up perfectly when edward only has five fingers on each hand!? And though the headboard thing was funny, I did think it was over the top!. And edwards refusal to do it again!. That was annoying and too hard!. It was like edward was torturing himself!. Gah!. He didnt evn seem that happy at the wedding!. In eclipse, he was giddy at the very sight of the ring on her finger!. Then, with the pointed baby comments in the beginning of the book and her ONLY eating eggs, i grew suspicious!. Even before she started throwing up, i suspected her being pregnant!. then, boom!. baby!. I had suspected it, but i was annoyed that it actually happened!. This is STEPHENIE MEYER we're talking about, you know!? She dosent pull crap like that! Edward basically went insane!. Jacob arrived!. I was happy, because finally, some life was breathed into the book again! The chapter titles!.!.!. amazing!. They screamed jacob!. And his unexpected frindship with the crazy edward was interesting, though it didnt seem out of charachter, thank god!. Bella, meanwhile, has rosalie-the-psyco protecting her hormonal demon baby who crushed her ribs, bruises her, and sucks her dry of life while we have to WATCH this happen!.
Edward would have done something! No way in hell would he ever ever ever let anything kill bella! So, out of charachter there!. Then, during that conversation with jacob, i knew what they had in mind!.!.!. to get her to drink human blood!. oh, the humanity!. I was horrified the whole way through!. Not dazzled!. Not happy about anything, and feeling hopless and ready to throw the book on the ground and scream at it!. But then, yeah, she delivered the baby, and edward had to change her!.!.!. which at the part where jacob thinks hes eating her fluids!.!.!. eww!. yuck!. Finally, weve got bellas perspective again!. She's suddenl this maternal person I cant relate to anymore!. Graceful!. in control!. a mom!. beautiful!. and!.!.!. perfect in every way!. She goes hunting as a newborn and dosent kill those hunters!.!.!. that annoyed me because it seemed like, at that point, I was seeing Stepheine live vicariously through Bella!. Then, the new house, and jacob, and well, everything was perfect!. The thing was, bella had to give things up to be with edward!. otherwise the choice is meaningless!. it looses value!. Reneseme was cute, and all, but i had a grudge on her for messing everything up!. Then the volturi sent the letter and Alice skipped town!.!.!. my favorite female charachter just leaves, and she wasnt really in the book at all, in comparison to Rosalie!. And charlie!.!.!. that whole meeting with him thing was ridiculous!. He should have tried to shoot edward or something, just to liven things up!. I didnt really understand the whole fake identity thing, though I understood that she was trying to save her daughter by having her leave with Jake!. It was wrong to me!. When the battle arrived, I was waiting for a battle so that I could let stephenie redeem herself!. But the Volturi just run off like little babies!. That didnt seem to work well!. And then everything is perfect!. Boom!. No consiquences, just rewards!. And I was left hanging in midair, like a fish on a hook!. It left me empty!.
The things I liked!.!.!. Jacob's voice!. That was amazing!. And I liked all the nomad vampires coming to the cullen house!. It reminded me of my family reunion!. I liked the last three pages a LOT!. I also liked the first two chapters!.
Well, ive rambled on long enough!. I needed to get that off my chest!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

Don't you just hate it when someone you have spent a lot of time with and admire turns into someone else!? A grown up!? Or changes so much you don't recognize them as the person you knew!. I always feel really dumb when that happens!. Like I should be 10th grader forever!. And I never will get senior jokes!. That is what I liked best about the series!. Bella felt as out of place and geeky as many girls do!. She just doesn't fit in no matter how much she tries!.!. and the' In crowd' barely knows she is alive!. Then she meets Edward,and eventually everything changed for her!.!.

I cried during the wedding!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think that this book was the worst in the series!. It didnt make any sense!. And Bella seems like even more of a b*tch then before!. I just felt really sorry for jacob!. Edward was acually pretty cool in this one!. I hate the name Renesmee!. And Nessie was pretty bad too!. My favorite book was Twilight!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I loved it!.!.!. Favoite part!.!.!.


Bella turning! Second would be Edward seeing her thoughts!

The most surprising thing!.!.!. I started the book a total Jacob HATER! but I like him now!.!.!. which I'm still trying to come to terms with not hating him LOL!

Oh also the smile Bella gives Jane when she stops her power from working!.!.!.!. I can still see it in my head!!! Bella ROCKS!Www@QuestionHome@Com

i liked how rosalie and jacob would fight and jake would say all those blonde jokes!.!.!.

but my least fav was nessie being born and the voulturi coming but then leaving!.!.there was no battle scene and no plot
i didnt like how bella got everything she wantedWww@QuestionHome@Com

'a to the izzo' said everything I would of!
So basically it was a let down!.Www@QuestionHome@Com