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Position:Home>Books & Authors> MCR FANS! Dont you think this is funny?

Question: MCR FANS! Dont you think this is funny!?
I was randomly thinking about this today!.!. !.
In the middle the the school year one day I couldnt stop thinking about the members of mcr!. In health we had to do this fill in the blank thing along to a video!. I was like zoning out the whole time so I got the answers from my friends around me!.!. we turned in all our papers and like 20 minutes later she started giving the papers back graded!.

So then I hear the teacher say "who is Frank Iero!?!?" And my head shot a look at my teacher with big eyes!. !.!.!. and I say!.!.I think it might be mine!.!.!. hahaha

It had my handwriting on it but I looked at the top and it said Frank Iero!.

I had a giggle attack and couldnt stop laughing!.!.


Easy ten points for reasponse!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
hehe !.!.!. thats soooo funny !. i did the same thing only i put it on my math test and i put gerard way !.

And my teacher says , " i dont self conciously remember having a !.!.!. : gerard way " in my classroom !.!.!. and i was all like !.!.!. oooops !.!.!. hehe

And like i am the only mcr fan in my class !.!.!. let alone , probably in my school , so everyone like insantly looks at me since im the only one who talks about gerard way and mcr !.!.!. tee hee hee !!!!

And then i was all like !.!.!. " yeah , thats mine "

And my teacher was all like !.!.!. " wow !.!.!. aparently i know you more than you know your self , cuz i actually know your name " !.!.!.

It was soooooo embaresing !.!.!. yet funny !

Oh !.!.!. and i am back from camp people !.!.!.



I do stuff like that all the time!.
On purpose, though!.
Like, once, I went to this store, and the clerk said, "Do you need any help!?"
And I said, "You can leave like the sane abondoned me," in this really creepy voice!.

also!. Once, in this cooking class thing I go to once a month, I burned the cupcakes!. This kid was like, 'what the hell is this!?'
I was like, "!.!.!.cajun!."

Hehe!. (:Www@QuestionHome@Com

lol!. thats freaking hilarious!! :D

that actually has happened to me but before i turned it in i noticed!.!.!.lol!.!.!. it was in science class!.!.!. i have the meanest teacher in science class!. she would have probably given me an F!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i do that all the time!
like when ur thinking about something then u write it down when u really wanted to write something else!.[if that made any sense]!.lol!.

lol so you wrote frank lero on your paper as your name

LOl thats cute

funny too

ive got a megga rad pic of MCR on my myspace!.!.its a really good pic!.!.lol very pleasing to the eyeWww@QuestionHome@Com

wow you were really zoning out! =) lol that is funny! i love mcr!Www@QuestionHome@Com

LMAO! i had a big grin on my face while reading that!
LOL!!.!.!. frank iero!.
that'd be cool if he's in my school lolWww@QuestionHome@Com

lmao that's totally something i would do!!! well ya it is funny to answer youre question!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

haha, that's freakin hilarious

i'm going to do that on purpose on the first day of schoolWww@QuestionHome@Com

no not really Www@QuestionHome@Com

ha ha tha would b something i would do its not ur falt there just SSOO hotttttttttttttttttttWww@QuestionHome@Com

I was surprised the teacher didn't even knew who Frank Iero was!. lol hilarious though!

i did that last year on the first day of school
that's the day when no one knows who i am well yet x]
so we had to do this worksheet where'd you have to write about one thing that you like so i got a little carried away and i wrote my name as Franrard Bobmiraykey (i tried to mix their names i know sucky lol) but anyway the teacher had trouble pronouncing the name well at least it wasted some boring minutes in class!. xPWww@QuestionHome@Com