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Question: Does Rhett still love Scarlett!?
Well even though he says at the end of Gone with the Wind that he didn't love her anymore and that his love for her wore out there were many signs in the sequel that he still might have feelings for her!. So I am confused to whether he still loved her in the beginning of the sequel!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
YES HE DOES! He has to! He loved her for years!. That type of love doesn't go away easily!. And if the sequel you are referring to is Scarlett, then yes, I think he did have feelings for her, even though they might have faded!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Having never read the sequel I can only say that a man can only put up with so much before he must take stock of any given situation and decide whether or not he's in a losing battle and what it's going to cost him in the long run!. Rhett was tired and could see that even after all of that, she was still just as spoiled as she'd always been!. Cutting his losses, I suspect he always fostered a special place in his heart for what might have been (with her)!. You move along smartly, you know it's best, but you never REALLY stop loving!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Ignore the sequel!. I can't imagine why anyone would want to mess the Gone with the Wind!. It's up to your own imagination what happens!. Do they get back together!. Does Scarlett find another lover!. Just decide for you selfWww@QuestionHome@Com