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Question: I HATED Breaking Dawn!!
I thought it was such an upset! Bella randomly giving up her entire life, getting married (without Charlie and Renee being pissed), and having a baby made New moon and Eclipse pointless becuase thats when Jake had a chance with Bella but if she doesnt consider him again in BD and deciddes to become a vampire or die Jake is totally out which makes that whole fuss over who she would choose stupid! And was it me or did the only thing they do was do eachother and then say "oh bella your stupid, dont have a baby!" Plus she didnt have to give up anything or have the "newborn bloodlust" to me it felt like Meyer got lazy and didnt want to write about that or about the fight!. How anticlimatic!!! what do you think!?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The first few chapters about Bella's perfect, beautiful wedding and amazing sex with Edward on a secluded private island are pure wish-fulfillment on the part of Stephenie Meyer!. also, some people are a little bit disappointed in the lack of "details" about the sex scene, but I'm not really surprised -- Stephenie Meyer is a cock-blocker!.

Then, Bella ends up pregnant -- WHAT!? I thought it was not possible! But, apparently, Stephenie tip-toed around a certain question asked to her so it turned out to be possible after all!.

Then after that, the story starts going down-hill!. Jake's part actually was not too terrible -- I enjoyed that part more than the rest of the book since I finally was able to get away from Bella's whiny narration!. It was interesting to see how he thought about the entire thing with Bella and how he feels being a werewolf!. But the entire pregnancy and birth and everyone wanting her to abort -- it was just Meyer trying to force her anti-abortion and abstinence lessons on us!. The birth scene was sick!. Horribly sick!. And Jacob's imprinting on a little baby (Bella's little mutant baby, no less) is just Meyer trying to wrap up her series all cute and cuddly and everyone happy!.

Okay!. So I thought that the story would pick up once Bella was all vamped up!. Nope!. The entire chapter describing her transformation was all about fire!. Couldn't she find another word to describe it rather than just "fire"!? There has to be another sensation!. And then, once Bella is out of the torture, she's a newborn -- but not crazy, no! Of course not! Bella is able to control herself as well as any of the other vegetarian vampires can BECAUSE SHE IS SPECIAL!!!!

Suddenly, the Volturi are going to come and kill little baby Nessie (wtf!? what kind of name is that!? but it's still better than Renesmee) since they believe she is an immortal child!. This was a completely obvious turn in the book because of the blatantly forced forshadowing in the second chapter!. So, all these vampires turn up and Bella realizes she has more powers! She can protect those she loves! OMG! She is so amazing and is potentially the greatest threat against the Volturi!!!

We also find out that, since Bella is now a vampire, she is so much smarter and able to converse with adults better than before!. She now is very professional and talks like she is a forty year old business manager!. Such a huge change, even with the excuse that turning into a vampire escalates everything, is not possible and doesn't make sense!.

So, Volturi come, but not before Bella and Edward have more epic sex scenes (I think S!. Meyer must not be getting enough sex from her husband) !. S!. Meyer frequently calls Marcus "bored!." Is there not another word to describe it!?!!?! Alice and Jasper finally show up after they left for some weird reason and save the day!. So, after all this building-up of the epic battle, Meyer wimps out on us and the Volturi, intimidated and scared, go back to Italy!. A happily ever after for everyone, right!?

Wrong!. Jacob fans are angry that he didn't win Bella and that he imprinted on a baby!. Edward fans are angry that Edward was lost all of his amazing charm and was not as prominent a character as before, and also that he was pro-abortion!. So who ends up happy!? NOBODY!.

as you can see, i was not very pleased!. she totally changed the personalities of her characters -- jacob was no longer as funny as he once was after he found nessie to be his true love, edward was not as huge of a character as before, bella formerly hated children but then fought tooth and nail for a baby about to kill her!.

It was as if the entire Jacob / Bella relationship never happened at all -- as if Bella was completely over him but he was not over her!. It seemed as though it picked up right after Twilight left off, NOT Eclipse!. Meyer says that she used Children of the Moon foreshadowing in the previous book, but I wouldn't really call that foreshadowing!.

The book was rushed at some places and slow at others -- horribly paced and had no plot!. It seemed as though Meyer completely wiped away her character's slates and started new for this book!. I think she tried to say it was all "character development," but it was not character development!. It was character deprivation, because none of them HAD any character in Breaking Dawn!.

Bella had to make no sacrifices -- she was able to keep her family because Charlie was like, "Whatever, don't show me, I don't wanna know!." She could keep Jacob since he imprinted on her daughter!. Both Jacob and Renesmee would live eternally with her also!. She can keep Edward forever!. She lives a wonderful existence with all of the cullens!. All of Stephenie Meyer's crap about "Oh, she deserves it, she had a rough life!." Well, all of that "rough life" stuff was brought about by bella's own stupid decisions!. Meyer took the easy way out just to try to please everyone, but when you try to please everyone you please no one!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

OMG I know!
I totally, totally did too, and i still agree with everything you said!.
but now I'm going back, knowing what happens and re-reading parts (yeah, I still cant read some parts again!) and i kind of do like it, now, or realize that it just feels right!. SM is so happy being a mother, it was just something she needed to share with Bella, I think, and the whole story just fits better!. give it some time!. maybe we'll both come around a little more, eventually!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't think stephenie meyer got lazy, i think the characters grew up, which was a shock to me, but after reading it three times i realized that that was how it was supposed to be!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I Loved it I Was disappointed about Jacob imprinting on Nessie! It annoyed me the way Bella got over Jacob like its nothing, like she wasnt even in love with him!. There was no fight at the end so i was disappointed with that! But the ending was not so bad! Www@QuestionHome@Com

i know I'm supposed to reply but thanks for the advice! this will REALLY help me because I'm just about finished reading twilight and i will remember this whenever i get through new moon and eclipse!.


I agree with you completely!. The book was a big disappointment!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i completely agree with youWww@QuestionHome@Com

Well I loved the book!.!. but I WAS expecting a fight!.!. and maybe one of the main characters to get killed!.!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

It was SM's intent to have Bella mature and grow up!. I think that a lot of readers miss the point that life is both compromise and sacrifice!. Bella married Edward because she couldn't bear life without him and she knew what it meant everything to Edward!. She was an adult and there was little that her parents could do or had a say in!. She also knew that the sacrifice was her humanity, but, that she would be with Edward forever!. The fact that she loved Jacob was more about self- preservation and mutual respect!. I don't really think there was ever a chance between Bella and Jacob, it was just never meant to be!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

I loved the book!. However, I was able to recognize many flaws in the story!. Ultimate pretty much summed up everything, but despite that Meyer took the easy way out regarding the "cute and cuddly" ending, I LIKED the ending!. I would have been seriously pissed if one of my characters died, and I liked that Jacob finally stopped loving Bella!. And I agree, Renesmee is a truly awful name hahaha ;] I mean, wtf was Stephenie Meyer thinking!? Every time I read "renesmee" or "nessie", I cringed!. Another thing that made me cringe was when Edward suddenly decided to call Jasper and Emmett by some damn nicknames!. "Em"!? "Jazz"!? Those are freaking GIRL'S names!! !.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I thought the book was awesome and disagree with you!. I loved it!.
Just a few notes:
All you longing for a sew scene!? Obviously there wouldn't be one!. Her book is for all ages!. Imagine the little 10 years who read it re-acting to: "he stuck his dick inside her and she moaned!. 'oh!.!.!. edward!.!.!. **** me harder!.!.!.'" or something along those lines!. I didn't even imagine a descriptive sex scene and I don't know why anyone would!.
The only problem i had was that Jake & Bella passionately loved each other, and yet he will most likely marry her daughter!. Isn't that just a bit awkward!? I mean imagine: "hey son-in-law, husband to my darling daughter, do you remember that time we made out and almost had sex!.!.!.!? Fun times!" That is kinda weird!.!.!.!

Yeah, I guess it didn't really live up to my own expectations!. After all that build up the ending was sort of!.!.!.anticlimactic!. There wasn't even much of a fight!. It was pretty weak compared to the other books making it seem that BD was just used to wrap-up the story instead of it being the epic ending of a good series!.

And the baby thing was weird to!. Sure it was cute but Meyer could have just put it at the end if she really wanted them to have a baby in the story instead of letting it eat up the whole plot!. And the imprinting Jacob, I think, was only used so that Bella could keep a best friend!. And Meyer pretty much destroyed what would've great antagonists aka the Volturi!.

All in all, I think the bad reviews were made because the fans didn't get what they want and had reeaally high expectations for the ending!. Not really Meyer's fault because fans started making their own presumptions waaay before the book was published an it all came crashing down on them!. Well, tough luck!. That's what you get for presuming things before they even come out!. But I do agree that the series deserved a better ending!.

Oh well, can't really do anything about it now, can we!? I just wished the protesters would channel their protesting to more important matters like world hunger or something instead of to a book they didn't like!.Www@QuestionHome@Com