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Question: Good books to recommend
Hey, could you guys recommend some books for me!? Young Adult, if you will!. I have read the Twilight Series already, so any good books out there!? Thanks!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
narnia by c!. lewis
the stone crown by malcolm walker
the wish kin by joss hedley
the pellinor serires by alsion croggon
the obernewtyn cronicles by isobelle carmody
eragon, eldsest, brisigr
harry potter
the doctor who books
sabriel, lireal, and abhorsen by garth nix
the morrow days by garth nix (mister monday, grim tuesday etc)
hal spacejock by simon hayes
seven little australians
his dark materials by phillip pullman
da vinci code, angles and demons by dan brown
alyzon whitstarr by isobelle carmody

!.!. geez there are just too many to name them all!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Inkheart (and then Inkspell), Chronicles of Narnia, Eragon, Harry Potter, etc, etc!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

Little Women, Tragedy of pudd'n head wilson, pride and prejudice!. Just a few that I like!.Www@QuestionHome@Com