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Question: -----TWILIGHT FANS-----
what is something REALLY cute jacob would say!?!? what is something cute he said to bella!?!?!?
i need a quote (or it can be made up, or like a bunch of quotes put together) and it has to be cute!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
"Does my being half naked bother you!?"

[Edward Cullen:] "Go fetch a space heater!." [Jacob Black:] I'm not a
Saint Bernard!."

"Sure, sure!."

"Sorry!. I don't have leeches on my speed dial!."

"You know the best way to drown a blonde, Rosalie!?!.!.!.You put a mirror in the bottom of a pool!"

"That should have been our first kiss!. Better late than never!."

"Did you seriously just stamp your foot!? I thought girls only did that on TV!."

"I would have been healthier for you!. Not a drug, but the sun and the air!."
It goes along those lines, but I don't have the book on me!. This is my favorite Jacob quote!. But I don't know if it is overused or anything like that!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

This is my favorite Jacob quote:

"I can handle the clouds, but I can't fight with an eclipse!."

It's from Eclipse, obviously, and it's always stood out to me!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I was thinking the exact same quote as Taylor, but like her, I can't remember the words exactly!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Jacob is soo cute lol!! Heres a made up one "I made out with a MILF" lol that so sounds like jake haha and the one about the sun is good tooWww@QuestionHome@Com

I'm the best guy in the complete series until Steph turned me into a pedo!. ARGH!