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Position:Home>Books & Authors> FAVORITE NICHOLAS SPARKS book?

i have read the notebook, the guardian, a walk to remember, and the rescue!. which, of all his novels is ur favorite!? what other of his books are good!? Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I've had quite the relationship with Sparks!. When I first began reading his stuff, I thought it was amazing, like most Sparks fans!. But as I continued to read, his books were too predictable for me!. I knew what the ending would be before I began, I knew what the plot turns were going to take!. I thought the dialogue was cheesy, I thought the characters were all too alike!.

My favorite book from my first Sparks adventure is probably The Rescue!. I also love A Walk to Remember, but I enjoy them for different reasons!.

I thought The Rescue was a tear-jerker!. I felt with the characters and I just couldn't put the book down!. I felt like I had a hole in my heart as I read!.

When I read A Walk to Remember, I felt the same way!. But what I really like about AWTR is the ending!. I won't say it on here, so that I don't give it away, but I actually had to look on Sparks's website to clear up a few questions I had!.

Around the time that I read True Believer and At First Sight, I was getting sick of Sparks!. His works were getting old!.

Then Dear John was released!. I didn't have high hopes for the novel, but it surpassed everything I expected!. I found it well-written (although I did have some issues with characterization) and I tried not to cry!.!.!. yet couldn't help it!. I just!.!.!. I can't even say in words how much I love it!.

Dear John renewed my faith in Nicholas Sparks (although The Choice nearly destroyed my renewed faith, but DJ was so good that I couldn't lose all hope in Nick)!.

So, right now, I think you can fairly say that Dear John is my favorite Sparks novel!. I would also highly recommend The Rescue and A Walk to Remember!.

Oh, and how could I forget Three Weeks with My Brother!? I loved it-- I found all Nick's childhood stories fascinating!. It was a great read and I would really recommend that to all Sparks fans as well!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

OMG!!! All of his books are AMAZING! If I have to pick a top favorite it would be Message in a Bottle or The Choice!. But that's kinda stretching it!. Cuz I love ALL of them!!! He is my absolute favorite author EVER and I have all his books!. They're on a special shelf by themselves because they are the "books of honor" in my eyes!. I even made my mom read ALL of them because I'm so obsessed with them! And when my brother and his wife and the baby flew in to visit over Easter Break, she ended up reading my copy of The Choice while they were here because she couldn't wait to get back home and read it!. LoL!. I highly encourage you to read all of his books!. It's def!. worth the time!Www@QuestionHome@Com

"At First Sight" is one of my favorites by Sparks!. He has a very thoughtful and caring tone when he writes; he doesn't just put words on paper - he gives each paragraph feeling and emotion!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

My Favorite is "The Guardian"
Jeeze i couldn't put that damn book down<3

My absolute favorite book of his is A Bend in The Road!. It's so great!. I also really liked The Notebook!. You should check out A Bend in The Road!.!.!.it'll make you tear up but it's so good!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I love them all so much, but I love The Notebook the best!. Every single book he has written is wonderful!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

A Walk to RememberWww@QuestionHome@Com

I've read all his books and love them all!. I can't pick just one!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

A walk to remember no doubt!Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Wedding is the best!!Www@QuestionHome@Com