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Position:Home>Books & Authors> What were the Breaking Dawn spoilers that got out on the internet before it was

Question: What were the Breaking Dawn spoilers that got out on the internet before it was released!?
I didn't see any of them but I finished the book so I was wondering what they were!.!.!.

P!.S!. Don't read the answers if you haven't finshed the book! =]Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
o most of them were rite but there was one that got the pregnancy stuff rite but said that jake imprinted on emmett i 4got who said that!.!.!.!.!.!.!.lol but they were prob jkingWww@QuestionHome@Com

***********SPOILER********DONT READ IF YOU HAVENT FINISHED BREAKING DAWN************************************!.!.!.

I didn't see any spoilers before I read it but I found a few that were posted before the release date!. One of the spoilers was that Bella has a baby named Nessie, and another that she turns into a vampire and the volturi are after them because of Bellas baby being half vampire half human!. also it got leaked that Jacob imprints on Bellas Baby!.

I dont know how it got leaked though!. Some people are so mean to post them without warning!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I believe some of them were:

1!. That Bella would have a baby named Nessi ( I found one where the name was not spelt with an e) and that she was half -vampire and half-human!. TRUE

2!. That Rosalie dies!. FALSE

3!. That Billy walks!. FALSE

4!. That Charlie has an affair with Sue Clearwater!. FALSE

5!. Bella's power as a vampire is a shield!. TRUE

6!. Bella uses her shield to save Edward from war!. FALSE but she does want to protect him from the Volturi at some point!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Welll obvisously most of them were sguesses

So if you pick and chose the whole book got out!.Www@QuestionHome@Com