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Position:Home>Books & Authors> I know why Voldermort was evil - HP fans here quick look !!!!

Question: I know why Voldermort was evil - HP fans here quick look !!!!
when harry was born, lily calmed leave, ( when you have a kid - soz forgot what you call it ) and got poor voldys pensions!.

in COS when the chamber opened 50 yrs ago tom was 16!. - with me so far!? good

ok, 16 50 means voldermort was about 66 yrs old in COS - isn't that the time we get pensions!? - but poor voldy, he wasn't to get one cos of a certain lily potter,

so!.!.!.!.lord voldermort hunted down the potters and tryed to ask lily for a little money, but lily wasn't giving him any - so voldy killed her and james and tryed to kill harry!.!.!.!. and so on

so in the last book, poor voldy was 71 :O poor old man and he got attacted by harry potter

what is that harry potter like!? fighting with a 71 year old LOL someone give him a magical ASBO


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Voldy was trying to kill harry because he loved him !!
i think it was love from the first sight so anyways voldy was jealous coz harry was falling for someone else ! so he decided to kill him !.!.!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

Apart from the fact that he was evil because he had a twisted childhood, and he tried to kill Harry when he was a baby because a misheard prophecy!.!.!. then yeah!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


Think the men in white coats will be dropping in! Thats the worse theory ever!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Erm!.!.!.Ok!? Creative I suppose!. :] I can appreciate that!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You know that have clinics for that sort of thing ;)

lol No seriously, cute!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

You confuse me!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

que paso!? your confussinggg heheWww@QuestionHome@Com

You have too much time on your handsWww@QuestionHome@Com

I always thought that there was a back story!. Poor old voldy!



I getcha!.!.sorta!.!.!.!.

Not being rude or anything, but do try and type so we don't have to decode what you have written, or work on your English moreWww@QuestionHome@Com

u totally lost me on that oneWww@QuestionHome@Com

erm!.!.!.!. what!?

your misguided attempt at humor has failed!. please try again later!.

oh, and please, learn how to type!Www@QuestionHome@Com