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Position:Home>Books & Authors> What art books only consist of landscape pictures?

Question: What art books only consist of landscape pictures!?
i want to buy one but i want it to be mainly images
preferably i'd like to buy it from Waterstones
Please suggests titles


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
what sort of art are you researching!?

i suggest you look by artist and or style!. Constable did nothing but landscapes!.!. gaugan and monet also dabbled in landscapes!.!.!.

photographically theres lots of landscapers!.!.!. but its rare to find a photographer who ONLY shoot landsscapes!.!.!.

however: if your after images of (landscapes) then goto wunderground!.com

this site is a weather site which allows photographers to upload their images for free!. and its loaded with the most amazing landscapes from all over the world!. the search engine is quite good, and allows the usual search parameters!.!.!.

you can either look / download for free, (without any registration) or you can register, which gives you a vote!.!.!.

good luckWww@QuestionHome@Com

Go to Barnes and Noble and just look!. That store is really good about just letting you look at all their books!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

landscape!.!.!.!.books !Www@QuestionHome@Com