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Question: What hospital would they go to!?
Alright, so I'm working on a new story and I need some info to help me!. If you were the president's daughter/son (about 30 years old) and you got injured enough that you would need medical attention, would you be sent to the hospital they take the president to!? Like Walter Reed or Bethesda Naval!? Or would it not matter what hospital you went to!? The reason I'm asking is because the main character in my story is going to be the president's son!. In it, he is nearly killed and I kept wondering how the president would be able to visit him then someone told me of these hospitals!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The official hospital for the President is now Bethesda Naval!. It is where he has his yearly physicals!. But it would really depend on where the accident was!. The President would go to any hospital, with his secret service guards!. This is part of the research you need to do!. Pax-CWww@QuestionHome@Com