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Position:Home>Books & Authors> I just finished the last twilight book. What else do you recommend that is as gr

Question: I just finished the last twilight book!. What else do you recommend that is as great!?!?!!
I loved the romance of the series, but the supernatural also intrigues me!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The author Amelia Atwater-Rhodes has some good romance/supernatural books!. (I liked "Shattered Mirror" the most)!. Ellen Schreiber's Vampire Kisses r pretty good with a lot of attitude!. also the Wereling series by Stephen Cole!. The series Vampirates is probably set for younger readers but it's also kinda sweet!. Hope it helps!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Supernatural and romance!?
Perfect, OMG wasn't breaking dawn AMAZING!?
Book series:
The Great and Terrible Beauty series!.
It takes a little while to get used to the language but stick with it! It is AMAZING!
there are three books, all fairly big, especially the last one!.
Happy Reading!!!

Hmm I would recommend
The Blue Blood Series: by Melissa de la Cruz
The Mortal Instruments Trilogy: by Cassandra Clare
The Blue is For Nightmares Series by: Laurie Faria Stolarz
The Morganville Series: by Rachel Caine
The Vampire Kisses Series by: Ellen Shreiber
Tithe: by Holly Black
Ironside: by Holly Black
Wicked Lovely: by Melissa Marr
The Daughters of the Moon Series: by Lynne Ewing
The Sons of the Dark Series: by Lynne Ewing
Blood and Chocolate: by Annette Curtis Clause
The Silver Kiss: by Annette Curtis Clause
Tantalize: by Cynthia Leitich Smith

P!.S these are mostly teenage books so if your not a teenager you might not like them, hope i helped =]


You can also read the uglies series by Scott Westerfield!. They are set in the future and make a good picture like twilight does, only are a little more down to earth!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

the series vampire academy is really good!. it's by richelle mead!. it has romance, and fantasy!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

okay so the house of night novels
vampire diaries
secret circle
maximum ride

they all involve fantasy and romance =DWww@QuestionHome@Com