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Question: I am legend ending (book)
can someone please explain to me what the ending of richard matheson's novel i am legend means as i've read the book 3 times and still dont get the ending help!? person with clearest answer gets 10 pointsWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
From wikipedia:
**Neville goes to his prison window and gets a glimpse of all the infected milling around in the yard waiting for his execution!. When they spot him, he sees the fear, awe and horror in their eyes and he understands to them he is a scourge, just as they were a scourge to him at the beginning of the novel!. Previously Neville saw the destruction of the infected survivors as a right and a moral imperative to be pursued for his own and mankind's survival, but now he finally acknowledges defeat!. He is the only immune human left in the world, the only survivor of the "old race"!.

He glimpses a future society wherein infection is normal and he, Neville, is a murderous, biologic deviant!. As he turns away and swallows the pills, Neville grasps the reversal that has taken place and that, just as vampires were legend in pre-infection times now he, as obsolete exemplar of old humanity, is legend in the eyes of the new race born of the infection!.**

The way Neville changes from a kind or a righteous fighter to an aberration is very interesting!. It isn't caused by a change in himself, but by a change in the society around him!. It leads to questions about "normality", and what happens when morality in a society changes!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, it was sort of a cop-out ending in my opinion; like so many works which the author may or may not have tired of writing, he seemed to merely end it as mired in depression as possible!. I tyhink he was influenced a great deal by Jack London, as the feel of the stories match several of his!.' A Bit O' Meat', for instance, where you are drawn in and cheering for the main character yet are let down and stomped upon by the end of the book!.

Having the Legend killed off just short of saving everyone, leaving a vile of his 'cure' blood in the hands of the not-so-bad guys whom really don't have the knowledge or equipment to make anything of it, is like handing a starving person a lunchbox, then you die, and they open the lunchbox, only to realize the food inside has long evaporated!.

Thus, I feel it was a lazy way to end the book, with so many ends untied!. You are not the only one to be frustrated by it!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

i dont get it eitherWww@QuestionHome@Com