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Question: Question about Breaking Dawn=plot holes
Ok so apparently jake and his crew ARENT werewolves!. They're shapeshifters!.
I don't get it!.
Do you!?
can you explain it!? XDWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
they are people taking the shape of wolves!. the whole story was explained in eclipse, how they were introduced to the wolf form!. they are not TRUE werewolves!. werewolves only transform during a full moon, and they bite people and transform them, just like in harry potter!.
but these werewolves, or shapeshifters, can change whenever, and they cant transform people!.

im not sure about the whole smell thing!. all i can think is that they have been natural enemies since!.!.!.ever!. they must have really hated each other, and therefore their smell is horrible to them!. or maybe they were just born to repel each other!.

this DOES show that stephenie left holes in her plot!. and took up some unnecessary space!. there was no need for this conversation in the book!.
it just made things much more confusing!.

but i hope that my explaination made a lil sense!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think people are right, i think edward was just saying that!. But like, i think its because jake isnt a wolf, hes a shapeshifter!. so then he probably has i different smell, just like real wearwolfes and vampires!. I mean sure they look human but all of them smell differently!. I think its just the whole species thing!. I mean we smell different from a vampire!. And we smell different from a wearwolf but they are human sometimes, they still smell different!. Why cant the shapeshifters smell different either!? I just think its the whole different species, different smell thing!. thats what i think
if you get any of that
hope i helped!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

What are you talking about!? Shapeshifters!? No idea what your talking about!. But I can explain Edward not eating Jacob!. Jacob is both animal and human!. Animals don't smell as good as humans to vampires!. Werewolves have a stinkier smell probably to ward off the vampires since the hunt eachother!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

well they COMPLETELY change into werewolves so i guess the stink comes w/ the deal!.
also in i think the 2nd or the 3rd book they told the old indian story about the guy who came back to life as a werewolf or something!. well i guess you could say he "shape shifted" into the werewolf and so on!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't get it either!. I think he was trying to trick the Volturri into thinking they were shapeshifters, but they really are werewolves, thats what the legend says!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think Edward was lying!. Or maybe they are really werewolves but their called shape-shifters because they dont stay in wolf form 24/7Www@QuestionHome@Com

I guess it's because they are natural enemies and like how some animals smell bad to us!. They dont smell like real wolves, they smell like some sort of thing that keeps them away form eachother!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I can't explain it!. But it just shows how rushed Breaking Dawn was!. =\Www@QuestionHome@Com