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Question: Im 15 and currently writing a novel but i get easily distracted
im only 15 and that age its easy to get distracted but i am trying to write a novel and cant seem to finish a page without going off to do something else, does anyone have any advice to help me with thisWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Decide if you want to write your novel more than you want to do these other things!. If you do, schedule yourself a time that you will only work on your novel!. Sit there even if you aren't actively writing!. Don't let yourself get up and do something else!. Write anything that comes into your mind, even if it's not related to the novel!. Write character biographies, plot outlines, individual scenes!.!.!. anything, but stay at your writing area!

It will take willpower and concerted effort, and you will only be able to do it if you want it more than you want the other things that are distracting you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I've been writing since I was 14, and now I'm 28!. In that time, I must have started nearly a hundred stories, but only finished five!. But what a lot of great practice I've had - I'm a far better writer for all that struggling!

The fact is, writing takes a lot of dedication and discipline!. However much passion you have, it is tough to keep going sometimes, but the best way to learn is to just keep on pushing yourself to write every day, to get to the end of each story before you start the next, and to discipline yourself in whatever way suits you best!. And as you get older you'll find you get better and better at dedicating yourself to your work, and better and better at writing too!.

Good luck xWww@QuestionHome@Com

I say that you should look around the room you're going to be writing in and look around to see what could distract you or compell you to get up and fix, and of course remove it! Make sure there are no temptations because that would be terribly sad to throw away a talent because you cannot concentrate!. Before you start writing, make sure you're prepared so you don't get up and ruin your flow of ideas!. And if absolutely needed, when you get up to do something else, then bring a pad with you to jot down ideas for your novel!. Since it seems like you don't have a very long attention span, you can easily build it up! Take breaks! Every 30 minuites, get uo and walk around, or snack!. Well, good luck! I hope this helped!Www@QuestionHome@Com

it okay when you wander to something else!. because when you just sit there full of writers block, it doesnt really help either! how long it takes you to right the book is not as important as how good the storyline is!.
so when you think that you want to do something else, for example, going to a friends house, just brainstorm in your head and think of ideas because sometimes when you think a lot, new ideas just keep on coming in!. and its best if you can keep a small notebook with you when you are at anywhere, because then you can write down notes on any senses or experience!.

good luck! (:Www@QuestionHome@Com

I am 47 and trying also to write a book and get easily distracted as well!. Some methods to help get you on track!. First figure out when you feel most creative or inspired!? Then schedule that to be your writing time!.
Make sure you have made a outline or blueprint for your book so you build your stories step by step!. If you are persistent and follow your outline it will get written, even if it takes longer than you hope!.
Good Luck!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

How 'bout a pocket tape recorder (or recording feature on your cell phone) to quickly keep track of your ideas when you think of them!. Then play it back at the end of the day and jot them down for a time when you can plan to be alone to write!. Most people have trouble being creative when there are other things to do!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Don't go to drugs!. Even caffiene has its draw backs!. I do relate although I'm over twice your age!. I am a stay-at-home-mom!. I found that I had to find the best time of the week or day in which I have the least destractions and am more focused!. Is there a time in which you find you can concentrate on reading a good book!? That might be a good clue!. I find I like to read before going to bed!. So, I write a little after my kids are in be and before I go to bed!. It doesn't work all the time, but it is usually the best time for me at the moment!.

Maybe there is a time when you are alone in the library or cafeteria!. Or try visiting a Barnes and Noble or coffee house from time to time!.

These are just a few thoughts!. Good luck!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Try and find an area, or make your own area, free of any distractions!. Put the rest of your stuff away!. I find clutter distracting when I'm at my desk!. Do you have your outline written!? Do you have a list of your main characters along with a list of their characteristics, personality traits & quirks!? Have you figured out what the main conflict is!? Do you have sub-conflicts for some of these characters!? The more different each character is, the more conflict!. That's how you start a book!. Once you've got these written down, you have to have an intriguing or frightening opening chapter!. Something that will compel readers to turn to the next chapter!. Check out writersdigest!.com
Good luck!

How long is your attention span!? Only plan to work for that many minutes and then take a planned break for 2-3 minutes (or whatever works for you) then go back to work!. If you have a 1 hour attention span and plan on working for 2 or 3 hours at a time, you are just setting yourself up for failure!. Set yourself up for success instead and only plan on doing what you are capable of!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

Your story line may not be that interesting for you!. When you find the plot that really makes you want to write its the best feeling! And you wouldnt have that problem anymore!. But if you arent willing to change it i sugest really thinking about what exactly you are going to write and then focus and write that sectionWww@QuestionHome@Com

i think that u should really focus on it!.you should think about how when your done with it you will be known for writing a book when your only 15!.im not sayin ignore everything around you bc sometimes it might give you a good idea for the book!.but anyway good look!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm 15 too and would love nothing more than to finish a great novel (I wish)!. I think it just takes focus, if your really focused then you won't go off and do other things!. Just sit down in a quiet room with no distractions and try!. :]Www@QuestionHome@Com

Just set aside as much time as you need maybe 30 minutes a day were you lock your self in a room and your only focus is on that novel it takes time so dont give up!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Theres some drugs that help a few of the legal ones being caffeine, st!. johns!. Valerian root, 5-htp and alot of vitamins but most are only effective over timeWww@QuestionHome@Com

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