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Question: Breaking Dawn (Twilight series) chocolate bar!?
i was reading MTV and they said Godiva had a chocolate bar that had twilight on the wrapper!. Where can i get one!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Borders!. I saw one there!.!.!.Well, my mom pointed it out!. It isn't anything special, it just ha the word Twilight on it!. Course, I didn't take a good look at it!. I'm sure you can get it at other places but I've only seen it at Borders so far!. =)Www@QuestionHome@Com

As if the “Twilight” series wasn’t addictive enough, Godiva Chocolatier has released a special chocolate bar with the cover of Stephenie Meyer’s first book “Twilight” on the product’s sleeve!.

The label reads, “Can You Resist Temptation!?” And since I’m both “Twilight” and chocolate-obsessed, my obvious answer was: No, not at all!.

So, being the dedicated (understatement) Twilighter that I am, I had to find one of these bars!. It may have been 10 a!.m!., but a chocolate breakfast seemed like a perfect start to my day! I sat engrossed in Edward and Bella’s ongoing saga!. Eating a breakfast bar in their honor seemed only appropriate!

What I didn’t expect was how hard it would be to find! The Godiva stores I called hadn’t heard of it; neither had the department stores that carry Godiva!. But a helpful tip from a co-worker proved rewarding: She had seen the bar at a grocery store, and after some more investigation, I found them in a New York Food Emporium!. The manager there told me that several of their stores in the city had received “Godiva shipments” but hadn’t opened them yet and thus were not sure it was the Twilight bar — but this particular store had the bars on its shelves, and that was all I needed to hear!.

Some $5!.99 later, I happily admire the pretty candy bar and munch on some creamy milk chocolate squares with my co-workers!.


Am I weird!? Because hearing this makes me nauseous -!.-

they couldn't stop at terrible books and movies!.!.!.nooooo now they had to ruin CHOCOLATE for me also!.


Seriously!? Awesomeeee!.

You might be able to order one on Gidiva's website!.Www@QuestionHome@Com