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Question: About the Narrative of the life of Fredrick Douglass!.!.!.
Can someone help explain to me the author's use of irony, both inherent and actualized in the religious slaveholders in the Narrative of the LIfe of Fredrick Douglass an American Slave!? I don't understand what exactly I should be looking for!. Can someone give me an example to help me get started!.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I don't remember much about the story, but there would certainly be irony in slaveholders acting religious and claiming to be living up to Christ's teachings about loving your neighbor, while at the same time they own slaves!. If they are cruel to the slaves, then it is even worse!. Could the situation be the inherent irony and their actions the actualized irony!? Just a guess!Www@QuestionHome@Com