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Question: Your opinions please
Here is the synopsis of the book that I am writing:

"Sixteen year old Kyle Prideaux is a normal teenager trying to deal with her normal teenage problems: parents she doesn't understand, going to a new school and the prospect of her first boyfriend!.

But Kyle has an important secret that even she does not know!. She is the cambion offspring of the incubus that is terrorizing her hometown!. Can Kyle summon the powers of her father and her mother-the powers that reside within her-to defeat him and release the people from his hold!?

Can she do all of this without knowing the details of the incubus, the details of her heritage or even the details of what she is!?

The Incubus, the first book in the Kyle Prideaux trilogy, is abundant with suspense and adventure and will leave you begging for more!"

What do you think!? Please be honest--even to the point of brutality!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It is possible - depending on how much character studies you put into the book before you start writing!. It should take you a month or two in order to prepare for writing!. also you will need at least one or two good backstories or subplots to keep the whole thing going!. And by all means, make sure the book is a stand alone!. No publisher is going to buy a trilogy from a new and untested author!. They are going to buy ONE book!. If it tanks, they don't owe you two more!. Of course, if it is a hit, you have more bargaining power for the other two and can get more money for them!. Never use the word "series" to a publisher or agent, it scares them away!. Pax-CWww@QuestionHome@Com

Haha!. Even though you posted this on accident I'll still answer!.
I think it sounds like a really good idea!. Obviously, it sounds complicated and confusing now, but as long as you do a good job explaining it when you actually write it (which I'm sure you will) it's something I'd definitely love to read!Www@QuestionHome@Com

oh my god! X_X

At first I thought that it was a real book!. XD
I was like 'how come i've never seen this before!!?'
And then, I actually re read it and was like 'OOHHH!.'

XD But It sounds absolutely fantastic! Really truly, if your asking for constructive criticism, I honestly can't think of anything that would change it!. XD
It really does sound like a thrilling book! :) Www@QuestionHome@Com

Sounds good, Are you on any writing sites!? I joined a writing community called http://www!.chapteread!.com!. I think you might find it useful!. They have great writing tools and posting features for getting critiques and reviews!. It's really easy ! and The other writers give helpful advice!. Worth checking out! I'd also like to read more of your work!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I would read it