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Question: what's life inside of an orphanage!?
what is the day to day activities and if there was any teachers!.!.!.what's the food !?any info you've from books or movies u've read or watched !.!.also any refrences!.!.actualy i'm writing a series of novels occuring mostly inside an orphanage!.!.so plz helpWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Most of the activities range from school-related to letting the kids play on their own!. Meals are served in a cafeteria setting, and are designed to fill them up!. Sometimes special meals are served or they send out for pizza!. The older children, teens and up, help out with preparing each meal!.

The younger kids do chores around the grounds such as sweeping and cleaning!. There is plenty of time for play!. The boys and girls have "house moms" and "house dads" who are there to guide the children!. The sleeping arrangements are not co-ed, and are also divided by age!. Most sleep on trundle beds!.

Most of the kids go to the school across the street and at different times of the day!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

Ok, so my dad grew up in an orphanage, obv!. this was a long time ago but he said it was hell!.

You have to remember in those days you could hit children and things, so they will have changed a lot now!.

Nowadays they're a lot like a school, and have lots of standards so no abuse or anything like that, usually!.

Although any child in an orphanage is bound to feel unloved and lost

good luck


I used to be in an orphanage in eastern europe!. It wasn't terible!. The food was like fine!. I never was anywhere else!. (im not there now) We watched movies in russian so i really can't write the names of them!. You get up get dressed eat!. Have play time in a room with other kids!. The beds weren't great!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Watch Annie!.!. LOL!.!. Www@QuestionHome@Com