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Question: Publishing question help
Since breaking Dawn didn't do as great as the other books in the twilight series, and some of you think Little Brown and Company is now the laughing stock of the publishing industry, would it be bad to get my book published from them!?

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The bunny's cute!.

Anyway, no, that's not what I think!. You should try them anyway!. They are a good publishing company, but every publisher makes mistakes!. That is a guarantee!.

Little Brown and Company wanted the money--that's all!. That's all any publishing company wants nowadays!. If people fall in love with bad writing and bad writing sells, publishers are going to want bad writing!.

To me, Twilight was the worst series I've ever read, and yes, I do blame the publishing house's editors, but remember, she wrote Breaking Dawn in a year, which means she wrote 1400 pages total if you count her transition from rough draft to final draft!. She wasn't experienced enough to handle that transition!. Only authors like Stephen King could do something like that!.

I also blame her agent, Jodi Reamer!. I'm still going to try for Jodi Reamer, but I honestly don't know what he was thinking when he accepted her series!.

What Little Brown is probably going to do is either keep Meyer or drop her from their list--depending on whether or not they can afford it!. Most likely, they'll keep her, but they might want her to cancel Midnight Sun!. I don't know because it's Edward's version of Twilight and a lot of teens loved Twilight!.

But publishers sometimes take risks without realizing it, and they took a bad fall with Breaking Dawn!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, it's not Little Brown and Company's fault that Breaking Dawn was a disappointment to many people!. I'm sure every publisher has had some flops!. When people think of Breaking Dawn's disappointment, they don't usually think it's the publishers fault!. So I think try to get your book published with them wouldn't negatively effect your book!.
Super cool bunny, by the way!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think it would be great to gget your book published by them!. And breaking dawn did judt as well s the others just more people read them now so theres more people who can not lke it!. Just as many people loved it as people hated it Www@QuestionHome@Com