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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Looking to make this sentence seem not so cliche', any suggestions?

Question: Looking to make this sentence seem not so cliche', any suggestions!?
Her eyes were as dark as night, mystifying anyone who passed her by!.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
If she's the protagonist, I wouldn't make the connection to night unless its clarified as something good, as that will lead people to believe she's the antagonist!.

So, these are also rather cliche, but I hope they're!.!.!. Less cliche, maybe!?!?

From a first person narrative POV:
They were easy to get lost in, her eyes!. They were a deep, dark shade of brown; almost black!. Like the darkness, though, there were points of light - stars, cheesy as it sounds!. They were enchanting!.


Beautiful!. How else could one describe such eyes!? Dark, deep, unsettling but relaxing!. In one glance, you could see she was intelligent; there was no way someone like /that/ wasn't!. She had those eyes that caused people to stop and stare on the street, no matter what the rest of her looked like!.

I'm not really sure of your POV, so yah!.!.!. They're not very good because I don't know more about her, but there you go xD If you like 'em, feel free to mess with them!. -shrug-Www@QuestionHome@Com

I've always found metaphors to be more sophisticated stand-ins for a simile!. So when you compare her eyes to night - try not to use "like" or "as"!. I think that's the cliche you're referring to!. Maybe you don't need a comparison there at all!.!.!.

Her eyes were darkly clouded
Her eyes were clouded in darkness

her eyes were as opaque as the dark mist that settles around the moon , entrancing every person within a the solar system

lol - very over dramatic but i can't help itWww@QuestionHome@Com

depends, what does the darkness mean!? is it a bad thing!? is this an antagonist!? is this some odd medical condition!? context would helpWww@QuestionHome@Com

Her eyes were so dark they seemed to fade into darkness!. Those who took time to notice were drawn in and felt as if they were falling into a pit!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Her eyes were deep pools that mystified friends and strangers alike!.Www@QuestionHome@Com