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Question: Eragon fans!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.
Is anyone out there a eragon fan!? I like the book series and i was wondering if anyone else did to!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I love that book!. Though the idea of dragons has been used a lot, Eragon is unique!. One thing I like about the book is the chracters and their personalities!. Every one of them is different and throughout the book you get to know and love them!. I really liked Brom!. I was upset that he died!. He was a great character!. Arya is also really cool!. She kicks butt!. She is clever, tough, and dang good at magic!. I am assuming you have read Eldest because you said you liked the series!. So I can talk about Murtagh!. He is a freaking idiot! An idiot and a coward! He should have died! Died rather than betrayed his best friend and brother! And after all his evil father Morzan did to him, the little two-faced twit went ahead and did the same thing! All he needs to do is get married and split open his three year old son's back so the kid nearly bleeds to death and Murtagh will become Morzan II!. I don't know how he can stand himself!.

Eragon sucks!. You do realize that Chistopher Paolini blatantly ripped off numerous other book series word for word, don't you!? He's disgusting, he stole from good authors for his own profit!. He's also a horrible writer when he has to rely on his own skills; his sentence structure is childlike and jerky!. He's got absolutely no writing ability what so ever!. I'm basically waiting for someone to sue him!.

Don't buy the next Eragon book - you're supporting a thief!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

While I have to agree that some of it is a bit cliched and awfully similar to other stuff, I actually do like Eragon!. The books are, in my opinion, written rather well!. The author puts a lot of care and detail into writing the books and I love the descriptions he makes!. I don't think the author meant to copy anything else!.!.!. but one could say the plot is more archetypal, rather than plagiarism!. Ah well, I'm still looking forward to the next book!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I read it so I MUST have liked something about it!. Those books rode on so long I thought I'd die trying to finish them!.!.!.And for what!? The books did nothing fo me!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Ya I love the books!.Www@QuestionHome@Com