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Question: Has the writing bug left me!?
I never seem to want to write, anymore!. I wrote prolifically, when I was a teenager, and later, on special projects, now I read lots of books, and still study the craft, but I just can't engage in the creative process of writing, anymore!. Writing used to help me relieve feelings, and help me to express my opinions, but now it just seems like an effort!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I don't know!. Everybody has a way for concentrating or simply of acquiring an idea!. I do most of my writing without effort!. It simply starts while I'm reading, anything, and everything!. Ideas come when the new idea light comes on!. Or sometimes it's just to do a better piece of writing of what I'm reading!. In other words, an idea has just occurred!. And from there, it's a cinch!.

So, I say, to feed the brain with ideas, read, contrary to what anybody else says! Get a Readers Digest, plan on reading Mathews chapter eight, read a comics book; anything will awake your instinct and hunger for writing!.

For example; I might think of something, say, the subject of writing!. There you go! Write anything on; How Long Have I been Writing and Why!? Do not hurry!. Take your time!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

My advice - don't read a lot of books!.
Substitute the time you did that for exercising and listening to music and any other methods that helped you get your ideas for writing, if you're doing fiction!. If you want to continue doing political writings, spend time on political discussion boards (not the ones on Y!A, though - they're seriously messed up) and such!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Dont read so much you are drowning your imagination in other peoples ideas,
Think back to all those dreams failed lost or forgotten and relive them the way you wished they worked out and on paper they will be lined with gold and silver!.
I also picked up that you are a little critical of your self!? and work!?!? dont be! let the readers do that!. sometimes I put it this way, dont think about what your doing just let it happen, my mum would kill me after the think before you speak and think about the consequences of your actions speechs spurted at me but when it comes to writing your fingers really do know where to go dont put so much pressure on yourself Im sure it will all flow soon

I reached a saturation point with writing too!. I made myself write anything that came to mind!. Often I would be writing about how I have nothing to write about!. Soon the feeling wore off and I was back in my groove!. So give it time!

Another thought is I'm my most creative late at night so trying to write during the day is a struggle!. Figure out when you're most creative and go from there!

The writing bug leaves most people!. I wouldn't be surprised or disappointed in yourself!.Www@QuestionHome@Com