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Position:Home>Books & Authors> What pen color and type of pen do you write in your writing journal?

Question: What pen color and type of pen do you write in your writing journal!?
Pen color and type of pen!?
And why do you like your pen so much!? For example, it is water resisting!.!.what!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I prefer to use a black pen because I love the color more than blue!. I do not have a special pen that I have!. anyone that I can find I will use!. The only thing I will not write with is a pencil because I can not see what I wrote when I am finished!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I use a Pilot Dr Grip Gel (black!.)

I like it because it's cushioned and I press down way too hard when I write (something I've tried to correct, to no avail) and because it writes very smoothly!. also you can buy ink cartridges for it so you don't have to throw out the whole pen when it runs out of ink!. Plus it comes in fun colours!!

The only problem is that the ink, being gel, takes a minute or so to dry, so you can't close the book right away or it'll blot onto the opposite page!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, I'm odd in the way that I write better with some pens than others!. Usually it is just a purple fountain pen!. Purple because it is dark, rich and mysterious, and also my favorite color, and a fountain pen because it is beautiful in it's simplicity!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Plain old cheap black ball point!. Most of them arent even special and came as advertising from various companies!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i like blue ballpoint pens!.!.!.i don't know why i like it but it makes my handwriting better and it runs smoothWww@QuestionHome@Com