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Question: Wuthering heights!?!?!?
I'm reading the book for ap lit summer reading but also because its sounds really interesting!.!.!.was on a list for the top 10 books to read before you die!.!.but its a choice so we don't have to read it if we don't want to, and I'm still really not sure!.!.!.i read the first chapter and am really lost!.!.is the language like that throughout the whole book, can get a lil confusing, also i heard there was 2 narrators, when do u when they switch!?

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They don't exactly switch!.
The thing that's confusing about the book is the timeline!. The first chapter of the book takes place years after the main story!.

If it's a help, the first chapter takes place in Nov of 1801!. Mr!. Lockwood is a man who is renting the property called "Thrushcross Grange"!. Heathcliff is the owner of both Thrushcross Grange and Wuthering Heights, and he lives at Wuthering Heights!. Lockwood is paying Heathcliff a visit at Wuthering Heights, and he's caught there during a storm!. So the story starts out with him telling you that story!.
After the night he's caught there in the storm, he asks the housekeeper, Nelly, about the people that he met at Wuthering Heights!. She begins to tell him the story of Heathcliff, and Catherine, and their history!. (Which starts around 1771, thirty years earlier!.)
Here is where the narration is unusual, because Nelly is telling him the story, but he's telling US what Nelly told him!. So technically, the book has two narrators at the same time!.
At one point late in the story, it actually goes further to have Lockwood quoting Nelly who is quoting Isabella telling her about her marriage to Heathcliff, so at that point the book has THREE narrators at the same time!. By this time, however, you should be used to the unusual narration!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I read this book for my AP class last year and I really liked it!. The language does pretty much stays the same throughout the book, which makes it kind of difficult to make sure you know what's going on, but when I read it I'd just read the sparknotes summary after each chapter so I didn't get lost!.
The narrators don't switch too often, but there are a few places where it changes from Nelly talking in Mr!. Lockwood's diary entry to Mr!. Lockwood in the present time, but you should still be able to figure out that it switches, even if you're already a paragraph or so into the switch!.
It's a really good book, but takes some concentration to read I think!. Reading a summary after it is really helpful and if you're book came with a family tree in the front you might want to look at it once new characters are introduced just to avoid confusion since the names are all similar or the same!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Mainly the narrator is the servant Nelly - who is also known as Ellen which may be what is confusing you!. Same person!.

At first the language seems a bit stilted, but after a while you will get so into the story that you will stop noticing and be completely focused on the story!. It is a fantastic book, and yes you should read it!. Just take it slowly!. If you feel confused - keep a reading journal!. With each chapter - make notes as to events, characters names, relationships, etc!. It will be easier to look back in your notes than in the book!. It is well worth the read!. Pax-CWww@QuestionHome@Com

When I first read the book it was confusing and the style does continue throughout the whole book!. with books like these, not in our modern style of language, it's best to read it slowly and carefully!.

What I did was read it along with the summaries, I would look over a chapter summary and then read the chapter so I kind of knew what was going on already, although summaries don't give alot of detail!. I suggest reading some summaries but don't read the analysis because that will take the fun out of the book!.

Once you get used to the style, you'll notice when the narration switches!.

It really is a good book and it is worth it!. Good luck!.

You can find summaries at sparknotes!.com or just google it in!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I know that the language is tough, but like all books like that, you will get used to the language and understand it better the farther into the book you get!.
also, I suggest that if you don't understand a chapter, read the sparknotes summary just so you can know what is going on!. There is nothing wrong with using sparknotes if you read the book!.


It is pretty straightforward for the most part, but it is mainly Nelly telling the story!. Mr!. Lockwood only tells things at the beginning and end!.!.!.

also the only thing that is truly confusing are all the shared names!.!.!. Earnshaw, Heathcliff, Catherine, Linton, etc!. If you've read something like 100 Years of Solitude you'll be fine though!.Www@QuestionHome@Com