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Question: Breaking Dawn!.!.I'm confused!?!?!? :S
Okay, I'm really confused!.!.
Why did Alice just up and leave!? I mean, I thought she would be the one to help them the most!.
& Why are the Volturi wanting to kill Renesmee!? Why is it so bad to be an immortal child!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
did you finish the book!?

well, alice left because she was hoping to find another child like Renesmee in the Amazon!.!.!.but she couldn't 'see' them so she had to look for when her visions disapeared!.!.!.

the volturi want to kill Renesmee because immortal children were very horrible at one point in Vampire history!. they were very young and couldn't be taught anything, but yet, they were dangerous enough to destroy a whole city!Www@QuestionHome@Com

in the second chapter,i believe, Bella reminisces a time she was talking to Carlisle about immortal children which was created by Tanya's mother!. immortal children became a problem to the secret vampire world because they are more dangerous and uncontrollable!. Since vampires freeze in the time that they are bitten, immortal children can't grow and they stay in their level of intelligence!. So they don't have a chance to learn for the better!. And thus causing total chaos and it just wreaked havoc, so Volturi killed the immortal children and it's creator!.

Volturi wanted to kill Renesme because they wanted to avoid another incident that included an immortal children but little did they know that Renesme wasn't like the immortal children, that she grew, learned, and her heart was beating, since they took Irina's word and sight on it!.

Alice (I was also surprised that she left) left because she went to go find another child like Renesme to show to the Volturi that Renesme will become of no harm to the world, which Alice did find and she came back!. the reason why she had to just leave was so that Edward won't know he reason for leaving and that means that Aro wouldn't know that there was another one out there like Renesme!. That's also why she left the forger for Bella because Edward can't read Bella's mind, in any case that Alice can't find that person, at least save Nessie

Hope that helpedWww@QuestionHome@Com

alright i was a bit confuzed too but, alice left with jasper because she was trying to help them!. she saw a vision that she was helping the volturi and she couldnt allow that!. also becasue she was on a mission of her own to go find the family in south america and she couldnt tell the cullens becasue aro could read their minds!. so if they thought she just left neither them nor the volturi would suspect of what she was doing!. =]

well the volturi wants to kill Renesmee becasue they think shes an immortal child and they hate them becasue their the most dangerous and they cannot be tamed or reasoned with!.!.

hope that helped!.=]


Alice left to go find someone similar to Renesmee to prove the point that she wouldn't be harmful when she grew up!. Alice couldn't really help because since Jacob and Renesmee where involved in the situation she couldn't see the outcome anyway!. Remember she can't see the future when it involves them!.
The reason that Immortal Children are so bad is that they never grow our mature, so they are more likely to let people know that vampires are around!. Have you ever tried to explain to a two year old why they shouldn't do something!? Not an easy feat!. If a two year old were to be changed into a vampire they would always stay at that level physically and mentally, and therefore be unable to understand why it was important to keep vampires a secret!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You have to read carefully!. She ups and leaves because she wants Bella to understand the urgency of getting Renesmee safe!. It makes Bella think the situation is so bad that Bella will have to do anything to keep Renesmee alive!. It's not bad to be an immortal child!. I think it's because they are stronger and can't learn and are discovered very quickly!. Like newborns except the newborns learn!. The immortal children don't!.

I love Breaking Dawn!. A lot fo people hated it but I really liked it!. Www@QuestionHome@Com