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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Does inkheart and inkspell have any good romance in them? what are they about?

Question: Does inkheart and inkspell have any good romance in them!? what are they about!?
i really wanna read this, but i have bought a lot of books which i thought were good, but i started reading them!.!.!.!.lame!. so i wanna be sure what this series is about!.!.!.!.!.i LOVE LOVE LOVE romance novels!. i prefer to buy my own books rather than go to a librabry!. they are rare in the UK!. so pls help me!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Romance is not the main focus in either of them, although there is plenty!. :D I can't give anything away without spoiling them!. Anyway, there's this part in the 1st book that the characters are just so sweet - especially the boy - it just makes you wish they would end up together!. And in the second book, Cornelia Funke brings it further!. :D Makes me happy whenever I read about those two!. I believe my favorite page is Inkspell, 288!. (Maybe it's 287 o3o I highlighted it and everything xD)

They were my favorite books for the LONGEST time!. I think I broke a few eardrums when I realized the movie trailer they were showing at the theatre was for Inkheart!.

You will not regret reading Inkheart and inkspell!.

However, if you aren't fond of descriptive passages, you might find some parts a bit tiring!. But it's SO worh it :D

Read it! Read them! BEFORE THE MOVIE COMES OUT! D:Www@QuestionHome@Com

Hm!.!.!. Inkheart does not have any romance, but in Inkspell the main character does fall in love!. In the third book (unreleased) The author said there will be another boy!.!.!.