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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Why is Leah (Clearwater) a werewolf? She is a female??? and more questions...

Question: Why is Leah (Clearwater) a werewolf!? She is a female!?!?!? and more questions!.!.!.
I didn’t ever understand that!? why is leah a werewolf
Do they explain it in new moon, because if they did I prob!. Don't remember because I read it like last year and I don't have it thanks!
OH I have another question! :D
Is there a site or something where they explain how some minor character’s look like!? I tried wikipedia but its not there! Thank you! :P
AND when do you think SM will post FAQ about breaking dawn on her website!?!?!? Thanks again!.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Yeah, i would like to know as well, I Don't even remember when Jacob was talking about Leah becoming a werewolf! Maybe in Eclipse!?

Here you go a site for the Characters thingy: http://www!.twilightlexiconblog!.com/!?page!.!.!.
you just click on the character you want! =]

LOL i know when is she going to put the FAQ On her website!? taking her time!.!.!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm guessing Leah is a werewolf because there were so many vampires in the Cullen family that there needed to be more werewolves, and Leah was like, the only other teen in La Push that was old enough to be one!? then they start becoming werewolves even younger because of all the Vampires at the Cullens house to witness in the clearing!.

I'm not sure about a site like that and i have no idea when she will post her FAQ, i'm hoping soon!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, Leah is a werewolf because it is in her blood and I don't see why she can't be, it never said anything about how only men could be a werewolf, it is just that it had never happened!. I don't think they have a site like that but I have not seen every site on the internet!.
Stephenie Meyer will probs post a FAQ about Breaking Dawn, maybe there will be a couple of questions on IMDb for her to answer about it!.

Hope that makes sense:)Www@QuestionHome@Com

ummm!.!.!. it said no one knew why she became a werewolf, and that no one had ever seen a girl werewolf before!. And technically i don't think there was any rule or legend about how girls could not become werewolves!. And!.!.!. i think Leah explains a little bit in Breaking Dawn why she thinks she is a werewolf!. I won't tell u about it because i dunno if you've read breaking dawn yet and u wouldn't want to ruin it for you!

yeah i think SM will post a FAQ because she did that for twilkight new moon and eclipse!. She probably won't do it for a while though!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, Leah is a werewolf and she is a female!.!.!.!.!.its because there was such a demand for werewolfes in the society (since the vampires lived rite near them)!.!.!.!.it was written in new moon!.!.!.!.!.!.i dont think there is a sight about what the minor characters look like because with books authers want you to picture the character in your own way!.!.!.!.that is the xciting part about books ( :Www@QuestionHome@Com

She's one of them because they aren't werewolves, they're shapeshifters who take the form of wolves!. That pretty much changes all of the assumptions about them!. Try interviews with SM for descriptions!. I think she might have posted it in FAQ also!. and yes, SM is milking her series for all it's worth and writing Twilight from Edward's point of view!. It'll be called Midnight Sun and is due in 2009 I think!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

EVeryone has answered your first Q so to the second one, Meyer said she might write one in Nessies POV or Leahs but it seems as thugh nothing is set in stone!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

i think that link is a virus!. no one click on it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com
