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Question: What books tag along, or you should read with The Other Boleyn Girl!? also books dated to King Arthur!?
Any books for kings or queens after King Henry too, or before!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
For Arthur, I agree with several of the other recs so far!. More:

The Once and Future King
The Mists of Avalon
The Crystal Cave (and sequels)
The Winter King (and sequels)
Idylls of the King
A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court
Queen of Camelot
Guenevere, Queen of the Summer country (and sequels)
Black Horses for the King
Le Morte d'Arthur
I am Mordred
The Lost Years of Merlin (and sequels)
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight

For more royal fiction, I highly recommend Sharon Kay Penmen's novels!. My favorites are Here Be Dragons, Falls the Shadow, and The Reckoning, about 13th century Britain and Wales, but she also has a good one about Richard III, a historical mystery series set during Richard the Lionheart's crusades, and a prequel series set in 12th century England, mainly!. I also second the rec for Alison Weir's nonfiction and would add Thomas Costain's series about the Plantagenets as well!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I read "The Mists of Avalon" about five years ago!. It is the story of King Arthur told from the point of view of the women in his life eg!. his sister, Gwenyfar, etc!. It was really good!.

I read "The Other Boleyn Girl" and loved it but didn't like the movie!. Have you ever read anything by Margaret George!? She does historical fiction-type writing and has a book about Mary Queen of Scots and another one about Henry VIII!. She also wrote one about Cleopatra which was very interesting!.

Happy Reading!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I have recommended 'royal' books by this author before, and if you give her site a moment to load (she has written many books), you can click on any that interest you!.
I liked the looks of --'Mary, Queen of France: The Tudor Princesses' by Jean Plaidy!.
http://www!.jeanplaidy!.com At her site, some books here you can 'open' and read parts of, others you only have to click on to read a blurb and a few short reviews by professionals!. Use your back arrow to return to Plaidy's home page!. She did write a lot about royals, didn't she!?

At Amazon, http://www!.amazon!.com (where I went to recall Plaidy's name) I saw this interesting book as well:
--'The Children of Henry VIII' by Alison Weir!. It's not new, copyrighted in '97 in this form, but has over 60 five star reviews (the best)!. I tried to make a link to a possible home page, but can't!.
You can look inside this book (if you like) at Amazon by clicking on it a couple of times!. To read the reviews, scroll down past publication information, past other books offered (but notice those books, because they are offered based on your first selection) to finally begin to read reviews!.
If you simply put the name 'Alison Weir' in the search box at Amazon, through the link above, you'll see a great many titles about royals by Weir as well!.

The classic on Camelot is --'The Once and Future King' by T!.H!. White!.
For a woman's viewpoint, try the books by both Marion Zimmer Bradley (--'The Mists of Avalon,' to begin with) and the Merlin trilogy by Mary Stewart, starting with --'The Crystal Cave!.'Www@QuestionHome@Com

Philippa Gregory's Tudor series, in chronological order of events:
- The Constant Princess
- The Other Boleyn Girl
- The Boleyn Inheritance
- The Queen's Fool
- The Virgin's Lover
- The Last Queen (coming soon)

As for the Arthurian legend, you need to read Marion Zimmer Bradley's 'Mists of Avalon', and for an alternative view, Guy Gavriel Kay's 'Fionavar Tapestry' trilogy!.

The Constant Princess and the Virgin's Lover I believe!. I am not sure about any for King Arthur!.Www@QuestionHome@Com