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Question: Breaking dawn!.!.was it what you wanted!?
im not exactly sure how i feel about the 4th and final book in the twilight saga!.
it left me hanging!.
for one thing, im glad that there was a happy ending, and that bella finally got edward!. that was the reason for all her other sacrifices in the other books!.
but there were other things that i didnt enjoy!.
i didnt like the fact that stephenie broke her rules and gave bella a baby!. thats not supposed to happen!. vampires dont have sperm!.
next, i didnt like that jacob imprinted on bella!. it was just TOO much!. i dont think everyone wanted everything to be tied up in a little pink bow and delivered with a kiss!. i would have wanted some hard choices, some suffering, some sad stuff etc!.
i wanted jacob to end up with leah!. they seemed perfect for each other, because both of their loved ones left them for another!.
and finally, i didnt like the fight!. or the lack of fight!. i wanted more action, not just talk dragged on for 70 pages!.

so what did you guys think!? did you enjoy it!? hate it!? whyy!?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I enjoyed some of it!. I liked the part about Bella and Edward's honeymoon, which was quite funny, and the part about her having the baby was quite dramatic!.

The trouble was that, once she was a vampire, she lost all the characteristics that made me like her, like her clumsiness etc!. As a vampire she was just another boringly perfect being, and I no longer felt the same interest in her!. All that perfection is boring, just as it is in Edward and the others!.

And I didn't much care for Jacob imprinting on Bella's daughter, i found that frankly weird!. I would have prefered him to imprint on some nice girl of his own age (actually, I would have prefered him to get Bella, but I alway sknew that was a non-starter)!.

And I was frankly disappointed dthere was no big fight at the end!. I would have liked most of the human-eating vampires to get killed!. The thought of all those vampires going around casually eating humans really annoys me!. I think something should be done about it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

A few things!. SM said that a vampire and another vampire could not produce a child!. HOWEVER, she never said anything about a vampire and a human producing a child!.
Second, Jacob imprinted on Renesmee, not Bella!. Jacob tried to imprint on Bella a few times, but obviously couldn't!.
And I actually enjoyed the book, really!. I thought it was kind of a mellow way to end to series!. Although I really hate that the series is over :'(
All in all, it was worth the wait to me :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Jacob didn't imprint on Bella !.!.!.!. if he did that would have happened in New Moon!. He imprinted on Bella's baby Nessie!.

And, I didn't think it was terrible!. I just thought Stephenie tried too hard to make sure everyone was happy in the end!.

The book held my atttention, it was interesting and intriguing, but I was disappointed by the scene with the Volturi and the "fight" scene!. Overall, I felt it was a good book, but it could have been better!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Jacob didnt imprint on bella, he imprinted on Renesmee!. I didnt like that there was lack of a fight either!. Bella getting preg!. was funny but in the boook it tells how she got pregnant when theyre explaining it to Carlisle ( read it again)!.

Other than that i liked the book and hopefully she come out with another ust out of the kindness of her heart!. lol!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Im currently half way in the book and so far, I am actually disappointed with the fact that Edward knocked up Bella and she had a child!. There seems to be too much sex scenes in it too, it's like!.!.!.Dude, you had it now stop asking for more!.
And!! Bella sounds more stupid!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

breaking dawn just made the whole series worthlessWww@QuestionHome@Com

I disliked it for many of the same reasons you did!.

I felt that the climax was disappointing, she spent like 100 pages building up to something that was over in 2 and involved no fighting!.

I hated the fact that Bella was able to have a baby!. All the talk about chromosome numbers and things like that drove me crazy!. I took AP Biology this year and learned enough to know that if something has a different number of chromosomes from you then it is a different species and you cannot reproduce with it!. The Biologist inside me was screaming through that entire section where Carlisle was trying to explain how Renesmee wound up with 24 chromosomes when Bella had 23 and Edward had 25!.

Jacob did not imprint on Bella like you said above, but I have a feeling you meant Renesmee!.!.!. it was indeed too much, and read like fanfiction in my mind!.

That is just a few reasons why I didn't like the book!. I didn't especially hate it, I just didn't think that it lived up to the standards set by the first 3!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Jake didn't imprint with Bella, he imprinted with Bella's kid :) but easy mistake to make!. :)
Erm, yes I'm happy with what happened, it was SM story to tell not the publics!. She wrote the story as it was supposed to happen!. Yes she broke the rules, I'll give her that, but theres a saying that rules are made to be broken!?
It also mentions that Edward could have sperm because when a person is converted into being immortal they are frozen permenantly in the state they are changed!. And men can have kids for as long as they want, female vampires can't as they have cycles which is why it's impossible for a vampire to get pregnant!.
I'm sure SM will explain all the messy things she write and why!.
I enjoyed it, i was happy with the ending but not completely satisfied!. I felt as though something was missing slightly!?
The pressure that was on SM was immense so I'm not going to bash her!. If I'm a Twilight fan, I'm a SM fan :)
I just can't believe the Twilight Saga is over! =O