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Question: Home made silencer (Short Story Research)
I am writing a short story!. There is a protagonist with a very limited amount of resources at his disposal locked in a very unhappy situation!. He has gotten a hold of a gun and I want to find a way within the items I have in the enviroment in the story for him to be able to jimmy-rig some type of home-made silencer for use with the gun he got in the story!.
Is there a "Logical" way to put that together with basic items!. For example right now I have him having access to a sheet!. Since his limited resources are there!.!.!.then I can probably find a way to explain how he could get other basic items!. Maybe a fork or spoon!. A pillow or something!. Any advice!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
They claim a soda bottle will work!. Here are several articles for you to research!.


Research is such an important part of writing - especially when it comes to crime fiction!.

If it it a !.25 or a !.22, wrapping in with a pillow is all he has to do!.Www@QuestionHome@Com