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Question: Message to Stephanie Meyer [Breaking Dawn]
Many readers have read the complete Twilight Saga and have been

discouraged or amused!. So if you were able to tell Stephanie Meyer about

your opinions about the BOOKS WHAT WOULD YOU TELL

HER!? Would you want Breaking Dawn to be changed the ending or did

you love it!?


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I thought that Breaking dawn was pretty disappointing!. Edward and Bella lost some of their passion towords eachother when they started having sex, and the whole pregnancy thing was a little desperate!. i was glad that jacob also got his happy ending!.

i really didn't like the fact that there was almost no action in the book, the scene with the volturi was kinda stupid "do you want to kill us" "hm, lemme think!.!.!.let's vote!. no we don't" "okay have a nice day bye"

overall it was still good, but I was expecting more!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

yeah i would have to say, Breaking Dawn was different!. A lot of people are saying it as a bad thing, but I disagree!. Obviously since Bella changed in a lot of ways, and she was married with a kid now, things are going to be different!. I think Breaking Dawn was absolutely perfect, and I wouldn't have changed anything about it :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

I would tell her: [or rather ask, I have so many questions that need answers]

Mrs!. Meyer, can you explain why Edward got Bella pregnant!? You once said that vampires can't get pregnant because they have no sperm and everything!. Please tell me why you started making the characters say "Jazz" "Em" and "Rose!." Why did you pick the tongue-tied name Renesmee!? What does this book tell us readers!? And why was there no conflict!? A battle, even!? The Volturi just walked away because they were outnumbered!? Bah!. Please do explain!. I would love to hear it!.

I did enjoy the book, don`t get me wrong! :DWww@QuestionHome@Com

Changed!. The ending didn't have a fight scene!. It could've happened, but it didn't!. All the other books did!. James, Victoria, Vulturi!.!.and everything!. Breaking Dawn didn't really have that!. It was just!.!.not the same!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

i loved every single Twilight book but i was kinda dissapointed about the no action thing Www@QuestionHome@Com