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Question: In love with Edward Cullen!!?
ANYBODY ELSE!? i can imagine many
Ive only just recently read the books, and decided!. He's perfect LOL im in love with him lol it was funny ive been so absorbed in the books that when i went outside to walk to the bus-stop i was like wow its sunny today for once! (thinking about forks LOL its always sunny in brisbane) haha

Isnt it sad that there is no way of Edward being real :(
Atleast we can perve on Robert Pattinson yummm cant wait for the movieWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Oh my gosh! I am completely in love with Edward Cullen too! I empathize with you completely! He is absolutely amazing!.

And yes, lets all just give Robert Pattinson google eyes because he is as close as we are going to get to Edward Cullen!. There is no way that Edward Cullen could be real!.!.!.he is just!.!.!.to perfect! I almost makes me sad!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

That is common!. You would be surprised by the number of adult women 'in love, lust' or something' with Jamie Fraser _And_ he is married!. And we all like his wife!. Claire!. And his daughter, Brianna and his SIL, Roger Mac, and his nephew, young Ian, and his best friend, His Lordship, John Gray and their shared chid, William Rancourt, who Jamie fathered and Lord John raised!. And let us not forget the Grandchildren, Jeremiah and Amanada MacKenzie, we love those two scamps!. and his foster famiiy!. Fergus (from France take in by Jamie as a young pickpocket) and his family

See the mark of a good writer is that you believe!.!. I love Edward too!.!.I love Belle for being Brave enough to take him on Faith!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, I'm too old for him anyway, but even if I wasn't I don't think I would be in love with him!. he's too perfect in every way, and I find perfection boring!. also i don't really care for pretty boys, I like them a bit more rugged than that myself!. I think all that flawless beauty would bore me!.

"Pictures of perfection make me sick and wicked" - Jane AustenWww@QuestionHome@Com

Haha! I`m also SO in love with Edward Cullen! I can`t stop thinking about him! Steph's so great at describing her characters that we actually fall in love with them! Gosh, Bella's so lucky!

Back off Bella, Edward's mine! LOLz!. Of course not!. :P

I`m having trouble at the fact that he's a fictional character!.!.!. :(


absolutely! i love everything about this on existent person!. whenever i hear thunder, i think of vampires playing baseball!. i even look up the weather in forks to see if it is thundering!. guess what!? on edwards bday this year, it thundered in forks lol! im so lame hahaWww@QuestionHome@Com

Edward is not amazing!. He's overly controlling, way too perfect to be real, and he sparkles in the sun!. I want to be able to take my boy friend outside on a sunny day in public!


LOL yeah i feel ya was totally in love with him until the we all (as readers) got to know Jacob!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!. OH BOY!!!!! then i was all for Jake but i still like edward :D

Yeah chill people its just an expression!.!.!.!.!.!.!. jeepersWww@QuestionHome@Com

He's not real!.
He's a manipulative creep!.
Find a living person!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I can relate!. Im in complete lust with Edward too!!
Im so excited for the movie too and Rob is going to be perfect Im sure!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

OME who isnt!!!!!!!!! i think everyone who has read the Twilight series or atleast heard about it is in love wit him!! but thats just me :) Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well I'm flattered to say the least =)
But I'm already taken, sorry!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

your in love with a fictional character!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

I am on team Jacob! hahaha! but it is easy to be absorbed in the books! :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

totally and completely in love!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

hell noWww@QuestionHome@Com