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Question: Diary/ Journal entry in a novel!.
Whatr is the difference between a diary and a journal!?So i'm writing a novel, and it is all in first person!. At the end of the first chapter, I put a diary entry from the main character!. I plan to do that for other characters as well so the readers can know what other characters are thinking as well!. Is that cheesy!? Do boys keep a diary/ journal, and if so, which one!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
i think of it as this: i diary has a key and lock, a journal, doesn't!. and journal sounds more , ikd, cool!. i think its a great idea! i mean it! i do sort of the same thing in my storiesWww@QuestionHome@Com

I don't think there's any difference except the name!.
I always think of a 'diary' for a girl, and 'journal' for a boy!. But sometimes people switch it, or whatever!. Sometimes instead of calling it a 'diary' they do something liek this:
'Dear Joe,
my day was horrible!.!.!.'

in my opinion a journal isn't as personal!. Diaries are more for day to day moments, whereas a jornal is less sentimental!.
but they're just about the same!.