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Question: What do you think of the start of this story!?
Tell me what you think about the beginning of this novel; I just want to know if you like it, think it's too slow, boring, etc!. and if it makes sense!. Please be understanding in your ratings and answers; I have written other books but I just started this one a week ago so I haven't had much time to think through the beginning yet!.

A house sat amongst many trees just outside of the city of Ocean Beach Maine, the cool spring air enveloped everything, taking the place of the bitter cold that had previously reigned!. The many tall pine trees that sat in the yard had watched many love stories unfold in that small house on a plot of land, but none was ever told better than when the young Rockwell family moved in to the little house, surrounded by the trees and facing the ever tossing Atlantic, in the rustic old-fashioned town!.
As the trees guarded the place with pride, dignity, and most importantly, shade, they would often talk to each other in their little, un-audible way!. But during the long, cold and dark nights that people know as winter, the sleepy trees would fall into a deep sleep, waiting to be awakened by the warm spring sun when the time was right!. Although the trees were ever-greens, never losing their dark, Christmas green leaves, during the winter they could be better known as ever-whites, due to the many inches of snow that fell upon them and called the small yet strong limbs and branches a place to stay!.
Three things happened on that memorable spring morning, some of which would not be remembered, while the others would for generations yet to come!.

(Copyright 2008)

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
You seem to be a very descriptive writer, but descriptions should enhance the novel!. Try to use less words that is #1 mistake for beginning writers!. Keep at it though!. Ernest Hemingway had to write the last paragraph of The Old Man and The Sea 100 times before he got it right!. So keep tryingWww@QuestionHome@Com

I joined writing community called http://www!.chapteread!.com!. I think you might find it useful!. They have some great writing tools and posting features for getting critiques and reviews!. The other writers give helpful advice!. Worth checking out!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Unless the trees are going to be an integral part of your story, I'd lose a lot of the descriptions about them!. WE GET IT! Save it and use it elsewhere in your story!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You're using commas wrong, first off!. They don't go wherever you please!. Secondly, it's a lot of words for a bit of nothing!. You aren't getting anywhere with your story!. It's good writing, but not being used to it's potential!. Thirdly, did you really copyright it!? I'm guessing not!.!.!. And un-audible isn't a word I don't think, it's inaudible!. Www@QuestionHome@Com