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Position:Home>Books & Authors> In On Writing by Stephen King, his first "chapter" is called C.V. what

Question: In On Writing by Stephen King, his first "chapter" is called C!.V!. what does that mean!?

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CV means curriculum vitae (course of life) - usually more a summary!. also used to mean resume!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I, on the other hand, write more like King!. Plotting kills stories for me because by the time I'm done plotting, I've already told the story!. Writing it out after that is just a boring academic exercise, like a fill-in-the-blank test!.

Therefore, King's book worked beautifully for me because it was the antithesis of every other craft of writing book out there that pushes plotting on everyone!.

Although I may take more time than other writers and my process isn't as tidy, I never consider any writing wasted!. I just consider it a path not taken!. In addition, by the time I finish a rough draft, it's almost in final form because I've had to seriously consider each step as it came!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

J!. is correct -- CV means curriculum vitae!.

On Sammy's comments -- I'll give the book mixed reviews and suggest that, if you read it, take it with a grain of salt!.

Some of King's advice was on point, but I found his advice AGAINST plot development to be very INADVISABLE and, in my case, having taken his advice and learning how it did not work for me, he actually set me back as a writer, albeit temporarily!.

King apparently writes free-form, from the top of his mind and lets his characters create the plot!. He believes the story is already there, buried, and compares plotting to blasting with dynomite and free-form writing to unearthing the dinosaur with a chisel and a brush!. I personally find that, without plotting, you will waste precious time writing hundreds of pages you will later have to re-write and throw out, because you failed to properly plan by plotting!.

I personally recommend "How to write a Damn Good Mystery," and, "The Writer’s Coach!." The former book gives a great step-by-step approach to writing your novel (the author has written several books on writing, I chose mystery because that's the genre I wanted to write in) and the latter gives very valuable advice on style and grammar!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

seeing as how you're at the first chapter!.!.!.i strongly advise you to just stop there!. don't read the book!. everyone says its good but its lame as hellL!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com