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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Has anyone thought about this in breaking dawn?

Question: Has anyone thought about this in breaking dawn!?
ive been reading on the internet that many people did not like jacob's book in Breaking dawn but i quite loved it!.!.!.

what else did you expect!? if the whole book was in bella's point of view then for half all we would be reading is about bella laying on the couch etc and the highlight of the day would be going to the bathroom or having an xray for another broken/cracked rib or bone!.!.!.

who here enjoyed BD!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I really enjoyed it!. Definitely worth reading! Some people just put down Breaking Dawn for the heck of it!. At first, I wasn't really excited with Jacob's POV!. But with that, I learned to relate with him and laugh at his rivalry with Rosalie!. :)) The blond jokes and the Fido bowl! Hilarious! Hahaha!!! It was mature at some point, everybody changed from the other 3 books!. Kudos to Meyer!. She hasn't lost her touch!. The sad part is, it's over!. Twilight series is over!. I wanted to cry!.!.!. She should've made it long like Harry Potter!. Up to 7 books! Wow! But I must stay strong!. After all, there's still Midnight Sun, right!? And I hope Steph will chronicle Jake and Nessie's love story! I want to see what Nessie will be like!


I liked it as well!. I was dissapointed at first that there was a Jacob book (I don't care for too much) but when you read it, you can really understand him!. I liked it!. I think it was necessary for a "Jacob Book" or else you're right about the Bella situation!. What did you think of when he imprinted on Renesesme!?! I was very shocked!. All in all, I enjoyed the book very much!. I wanted to cry when it was over : (Www@QuestionHome@Com

the whole jacob's point of view made me like him more than i did before!. i pretty much expected almost all of those events to happen before i even read the book!. somehow it made me a lil angry at the beginning!. i always thought of edward and bella to e the kind of couple that is!.!.!."more than love!." i mean like an abstinence type of couple!. idk that part just bothered me!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

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I loved breaking dawn and am glad that jacob imprinted on her!. I also liked how some was in Jake's perspective, your right it would be a bit boring all in Bella's!. Www@QuestionHome@Com


no i havent!.Www@QuestionHome@Com