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Question: Breaking Dawn (from Twilight series)!?
I had a bunch of problems with Breaking Dawn and I did not particularly like it because of a bunch of reasons (one being how Bella ended up getting everything without any sacrifice- something that I must say is very unrealistic and hard for us to relate to)!.

I just want to see your reaction to my opinion!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Wow, you broke through the fan-blindness disease!
Sorry, but I'm under the impression lots of people who read Twilight get hypnotized somewhere along the way and can do nothing but think of Twilight!.

Yeah, I found the ending extremely ridiculous!. I couldn't really bear it!.
I also didn't enjoy how she completely ignored Jacob's pain, claiming she needed him there when she already had Edward and the rest of the vampires!. Um, couldn't this be considered as!.!.!. I don't know!.!.!. selfish, much!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, that no sacrifice part really bothered me!. And the name Renesmee! Sometimes, I say it re-nuhz-may!. When actually it's ruh-nez-may!. It`s really confusing! A simple name would suffice!. I hate the nickname Nessie, too!. But still, though this book has many flaws, I still enjoyed it! Kudos to Meyer!

Carlisle's Homie - Oh, God!. I love what you'd done to your picture! Go Twilight! Hahaha =))Www@QuestionHome@Com

overall I was very disappointed!.!.!. I thought the book was totally seperate from the rest of the series!. also, what happened to the deal Bella made with Edward that she went to college for a semester!? the whole college idea just went out of the picture after the baby was born!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i loved breaking dawn but not as much as the other ones!. i didnt really like the fact that bella and edward had a baby and that jacob "gave up" on bella and fell in love with her daughter renesme but i still love the twilight sagaWww@QuestionHome@Com

of course its hard for anyone to relate with and is unrealistic

its NOT real

it is a book filled with fictional charactersWww@QuestionHome@Com

I loved Breaking Dawn!. I think most people need to suck it up and start loving it too because they aren't getting a rewrite :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

I hated Breaking Dawn!. And I've been an obsessed fan since the beginning (even though many fangirls are freaking out at any opinion other that "OMGZ ITS AWESUM!!1! and calling us not "true" fans)!.

I thought it was a cop out in many ways!. The first three books are about sacrifices, making difficult choices, finding right and wrong, etc!. This book was about- Let's get married, have sex, pop out a kid, get a cottage in the woods, and OMG everything will be amazing!. On top of that, every female character seemed to be obsessed with babies!. And Bella's entire world was formed around how she related to a man!. Great female role models, really!.

The characters were no longer the characters we loved!. Edward wasn't himself anymore AT ALL, Bella wasn't the normal Bella established across the first three books, Alice was practically nonexistant, Emmett was only there to loudly declare that Bella had sex many times, Rosalie disappeared as soon as the baby fulfilled her tragic story (seriously, where was she for the last 200 pages or so!? Did she escape the epic fail with Alice!?), Jacob went from being obsessed and immature to forgetting Bella and snapping into a weird paternal-ness, Carlise looked like a dumbass most of the time, Esme stood in the corner with her hands over her face, and since when was Jasper "Jazz"!?! Don't even get me started with the name "Renesmee!." Really, the name combining thing- sweet in theory, epic fail in execution!.

That's not even reaching most of my rant about how the writing suddenly turned into a Mary Sue fanfic!.!.!. not that it wasn't Mary Sue-ish before, but even more so!. And the style was completely different from the previous three books, giving the entire book a "WTF" feeling!. A thesaurus needed to be used and someone needs to lay off the adverbs!. How did it get past an editor!? There were even blatant spelling mistakes!

On TOP of all that, SM tried to fix everything up with flimsy excuses and psuedo science that she previously declared impossible!.

It was horrible and I hated to see my beloved series end in an EPIC FAILWww@QuestionHome@Com