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Question: What is the difference in computer and book pages!?
So if you have 432 pages on a word processor!. in font size 14!. how many pages do you think that would be in a actual book!?

sorry if the question was confusing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Double space
Courier New 12
1" margins all around!.

That'll give you properly formatted manuscript pages (minus some details like page #s and headers, etc)!.

Each page is assumed to be 250 words, more or less!. We do things by word count, rather than page count, but it helps to know that 400 ms pages is about 100K words!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Don't go by pages in the word processor!. Find the word count tool!. Get a word count and then divide by 250 (that is a pretty standard number for words/page in a novel) to see how many pages you have!.Www@QuestionHome@Com