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Position:Home>Books & Authors> What happens at the end of the book called 'The Hobbit" ?

Question: What happens at the end of the book called 'The Hobbit" !?
I borowed it from the library and it was over due!. i stopped at the part where bilbo saw the dragon smaug!. PLease inform me on the rest!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Bilbo sees the dragon and calls his fellows!. They manage to wake the dragon and it sets off to destroy the lakeside town!. The townsmen manage to kill it, and Bilbo finds and hides the Arkenstone (a VERY valuable jewel)!. Problem is, in compensation (the dragon did a lot of damage and killed some ppl) the Men want a share in the treasure!. Thorin doesn't see why he should give them any, and the argument turns nasty!. Bard (a Man) and some Elves and other Men set siege to the castle, while Thorin calls for help from his cousin Dain!. Dain and lots and lots of other dwarves come from the south to help claim the treasure!. Meanwhile, Bilbo, trying to make peace, is willing to give the Arkenstone (his '14th' of the treasure) to the Men to bargain with, as Thorin had sentimental attachment to it!. Thorin finds out and is furious and banishes Bilbo, who meets Gandalf who decided to show up!. Bilbo is sad at Thorin's rejection, but takes it in "the name of peace!." But peace was not to be had!. When Dain got there, a lot of goblins (if you remember, they had a grudge against Thorin's party, who killed the Great Goblin) rushed out (and I mean A LOT) and hence happened the Battle of the Five Armies!. Even all of the Men, Dwarves, (Thorin helped Dain and everyone) Elves, and lots of Eagles (yes, they showed up towards the end) couldn't win!. In the end Beorn showed up in his bear form, and killed the new Great Goblin!. The goblins lost heart and fled, even though they were in great numbers!. They slaughtered almost the entire goblin army, which is why goblins never come in to LOTR much!. The sad part is that Thorin was fatally wounded, and Fili and Kili were killed trying to protect him!. Before his death, Thorin apologizes to Bilbo and they make amends!. Dain gives out the treasure liberally to everyone who had a part in the battle, and although he wants to give loads of gold to Bilbo, Bilbo only accepts two small chests, one with silver, one with gold!. He thinks that will last him for his whole life!. He gives a present to the Elf King, who names him Elf-Friend, and goes home, where he retrieves the troll gold and to his dismay, finds his things up for auction and the Sackville-Bagginses moving into his house!. After a lot of confusion, he gets his hobbit-hole back, and the ending scene is when Gandalf and some old friends come over to visit!.
"Thank goodness!" said Bilbo, and handed him the tobacco jar!.


you should really finish it, its amazing! well, the dragon smaug goes to the town, the lake one, and he starts causing chaos, but one of the men manges to kill him with an arrow, on the place where there aren't diamonds covering his chest!. then they all go to the mountain to get the gold, along with the elves!. but the dwarves block the enterance, so one one gets in!. then the goblins and wolves come, and they unite, and the war of five armies happens!. in the end, when they(the dwarves, men and elves) win, they settle the problems!.
i can't really explain it well, just borrow it again from the library!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes!.!.!.I'm a big fan of tolkiens! I don't feel l/k typin' out the whole stry though!.!.!.Srry! What you could do though is go to wikipedia!.com and type in The Hobbit it tells you all about it and what happens:) I hope this helps you! also try ask!.com: What happens at the end of Tolkien's The Hobbit!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

There is a lot goes on after that!. Borrow it again from the library or get a copy from a charity shop!. Its a great book to have in your collection!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Go back to the library and borrow it again!. Having someone else tell you is nowhere close to as good as you finding it out yourself!.Www@QuestionHome@Com