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Question: What is the best way to cure my Writer's Block!?
I am really desperate to begin writing a book but I am having trouble getting inspiration for a plot and even when I do I end up deleting it because I get bored with it!. Any tips to help me!? The best advice will get 10 points!. Thank you!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
What helps me get out of writers block is listening to music!. Find some music that will help you feel what you are trying to portray!. Some other things that help me are a good nights sleep, caffeine, and reading also helps me when I have writers block!.

If you already have a scene for your characters thought up in your head just write that down and go from there, that was how I started my first story!. Then I went back and connected all of the scenes to make sense!. Good luck!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You can't force a good story!. The story comes to you!. If you get an idea, write whatever you need to until it's out of your head!. Never delete what you write- it might be important and you don't know it yet!. Set it aside or save it in a separate document from the rest of the information!.

As for writer's block, there are several ways to get rid of it!. The easiest way is to stop writing and do something else!. Watch tv, read a book, go outside and walk around!. Eat, go to the mall, call a friend!. You need to keep your mind off the story for about an hour or two!. Come back after a while and try again!. If nothing comes to you, that's okay!. Write down what you think would make a good story, write out a character profile- do something until brillance hits you!.

Even if what you write turns out to be crap, keep going!. Just writing is sometimes the best cure for writer's block!. Good luck with whatever you write!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Lol at the answer above me!.

My advice to you to just not write!. Simple as that!. You'll hear many people tell you to just write no matter what and as long as you write like two sentences to a page then that's good!. The thing that I've learned though, through my own writer's block, is to just leave it alone and it'll go away!. I've gone literally MONTHS without writing (and writing is a big deal to me since I really love it)!. Eventually my spark ignited again, even after I had lost hope of it returning!. We get in slumps sometimes!. Sometimes the best way to handle it is to ignore the feeling of feeling like we HAVE to write!. If you feel like you have to get something done then it makes the pressure build more on you!. So!.!.just consider this a time to think about it!. If you can't write right now then just don't do it!. It'll eventually come back!.

And so, with that being said, you have your OWN decisions to make!. Every writer is different in the aspect of how they write!. That goes for writer's block as well!. How someone else handles it may be different for you!. And so, in order to get past it, you must figure out your own way of getting past it, and listen to the advice of others!. I hope this helps and good luck!. =)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Pace yourself and take it easy!.

Writing isn't a race--and you shouldn't be that desperate to write a novel!.

Slow things down, take a deep breath, allow your mind to clear, and *then* start thinking about what you want to write!.

Take things one step at a time and go with the flow--instead of against it!.

Put on some nice music, go into a quiet room, and just *write*!.

Don't worry if it's not good enough, or you're not good enough, or even what other people will think!.

Have fun, be happy!.

AND JUST WRITE!. :0)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Do an activity other than writting that you enjoy, life experiences often inspire my art!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Watch The shining!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

take your own sweet time!.
i'm sure you'll get there sometime within the next month or two!.


forget about the book for a couple of days!.!.!. it will come to uWww@QuestionHome@Com