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Question: I need help finding a bok!
ok i want to read a book about teenage pregnancy and i want it to be good! i would like it to be a book like the show the secret life of the american teenager! i love that show and hope i will love the books that you give! thanks!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Someone Like You by Sarah Dessen:
It's about two best friends named Scarlet and Halley!. So basically what happens is that Scarlett's boyfriend gets killed in a motorcycle accident and later on Scarlett discovers that she is pregnant with his child!. Despite the fact that she faces opposition from many places and people, there is a lot in it that discusses how she stays strong and tries to remain a true friend to Halley!. In regards to Halley, it talks about her trying to be the support system for Scarlett while she struggles dealing with her first serious relationship and with her troubled relationship with her mother!. It is a good book with an interesting plot, realistic characters, and something tells me that you will absolutely love it!.

Annie's baby-the diary of an anonymous pregnant teenager:
This book is a bit gloomier than the first one, but it was a real life account, so it is as truthful as it gets!. I read it and found it to be a very interesting and thoughtful read!. Your heart really does go out to her and the situation she finds herself in!.

Don't Think Twice by Ruth Pennebaker-
I absolutely loved this book!. It is my personal favorite!. It talks about a girl that gets pregnant in like the 1970s, back then they would basically send pregnant teenage girls to like homes!. In these home basically a bunch of teenage girls live together and once they give birth and such they go back home!. This was actually what happened back then in the 70s and it is a fascinating account!. Sometimes it is heart-breaking what some of the girls have to go through and it is saddening to see the difficulties of being a girl, especially in those days!. But it was a lovely tale, there was definitely a lot of hope and love in the end!.

There is also supposedly a book called Dear Diary, I'm Pregnant:Teenagers talk about their pregnancy by Annrenee Englander!. It's about true life accounts of teenage girls!. I haven't read it before, but it's supposed to be good so if you want you can go ahead and check it out, see if it really lives up to the hype!.

So I hope I helped and I also hope that you find these books to be great as well!Www@QuestionHome@Com

"Detour for Emmy" by Marilyn Reynolds
"At the end of eighth grade, Emmy is at the top of the world!. She's popular, does well in school, has two best friends and sings in the chorus!. Ninth grade is more of a challenge, yet Emmy continues to thrive and even falls in love!. Then she gets pregnant!. Thoughtful and thorough, this novel vividly portrays teenage love and its consequences!. Emmy faces her choices with a believable mix of bravery and weakness, earning the reader's sympathy!. The author, who teaches English at an alternative school in California, demonstrates a true understanding of her audience along with a solid interest in providing important information!."

"Hanging on to Max" by Margaret Bechard
"Sam, a 17-year-old unwed father, is the candid, unusually likable narrator of Bechard's (If It Doesn't Kill You) involving novel!. A senior at an alternative high school that offers day care, Sam struggles to juggle his responsibilities as a parent and student!. He and 11-month-old Max live with Sam's largely uncommunicative widowed father, who has agreed to support them until Sam graduates high school and takes a construction job!. Sam finds much-needed companionship when Claire, whom he has quietly admired for years, shows up at his school with a baby of her own!. Flashbacks effectively fill in the missing pieces of the story, recalling the evolution of Sam's relationship with Brittany, Max's mother; Claire's presence in his eight-grade English class; his mother's last days fighting cancer; a memorable childhood fishing expedition with his parents; his first glimpse of the newborn Max; and his resolve to keep the baby when Brittany decides to give him up for adoption!. The teen's conflicted perceptions of his role as father, friend and son, as well as his future aspirations, are intermittently droll and wrenching!. While the story has been told before, it comes across as unfailingly real; and even the surprise ending conforms to the lifelike atmosphere"Www@QuestionHome@Com

OK WOW!. this just shows how air headed and stupid people can be!. Youre thinking that getting pregnant is ok right!? yah so youre saying 'its ok to have a baby as long as you love the person who has it with you!. even if youre 15!. becuase in the secret life of the american teenager people get pregnant, and its ok!.' also, by the way you spelled 'book' in the title shows that you need to do more than sit on your couch watching secret life of the american teenager all day!. maybe read a reeaal book, or pay attention to school! what a concept! =0 I'm 13 and im suprised that you dont get it, whatever preteen or teenage age you are!.


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