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Question: Do most authors begin their careers writing short stories!?
As a student in creative writing I am always told to write short stories!. Is this because authors who write novels start with shorts and move up, or is because the class is just too short to worry about a novel!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The tutor probably wants to see how well you can 'round' a story, whether its balanced, what techniques you employ, etc!. If you were to submit a short extract from a novel, it wouldn't paint a true picture of your worth!.

In terms of recognition, a long time ago I had problems getting publishers to look at my original novel because of lack of credentials!. I started to write short stories for magazines instead!.

In 1994, my first short story was accepted, and I've been published ever since!. I submitted a novel to a publishing house and it was accepted within two weeks - I had many years of experience you see - credentials!. My original novel is still sitting in the wings ready to be regurgitated!.

Anthony James Barnett - authorWww@QuestionHome@Com


It is because it very hard to get a publisher to look at your novel with any seriousness, even with an agent, unless you are somewhat known to them!.

Short stories help, but you likely will need as least a few published before you should even bother sending in a full manual!.

And, there is an increasing market for short stories again, so it's the time to get on that!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I am pretty sure you are asked to right short stories because your class is too short to worry about a novel!. I have read that writing a short story is NOT like practicing to dive!. A young diver practices diving on the lowest boards first, then moves up to the higher boards!. Apparently this does not apply, as short stories and novels are two different media!.!.!.!. Hope this helps!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I started out writing short stories!. Now, I'm writing large tome novels of 300,000 words or more!.Www@QuestionHome@Com
