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Question: Why is Great Expectations by Charles Dickens considered a 'classic'!?
why is it!?
i NEED to know!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I think it's considered a classic because:
1!. Charles Dickens was a brilliant writer, and parts of it are autobiographical,
2!. Great Expectations deals with timeless themes recognizable to people of every nation and culture and era,
3!. Great Expectations has characters in it that seem to live and breathe; some of those are quirky, some good, some wicked, some twisted and all unforgettable,
4!. It has a great social commentary; one which shows how shallow a view society had of who was important and who was not & what makes them so,
5!. Pip is a dynamic figure, whose ambitions lead him astray to the point of ruination - at which time he learns what is truly important in life and
6!. It's a very good and unique story!.

There is more, of course!. Some people find this book boring, because Charles Dickens used very descriptive prose, and his wording was different than what we are used to today!. I don't agree!. If you really concentrate on his characters and make sure you understand what you are reading, the beauty of the story comes through!. If you want more information, I'd recommend that you read through the information to be found on http://www!.gradesaver!.com/classicnotes/t!.!.!. GradeSaver's site!.

I hope that helps!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think books that survive the test of time are considered classics!. if people are still reading a book a hundred and fifty years after it was first published, it's a classic!.

Many very popular books sink without trace, classics survive!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

idk, i hate this bookWww@QuestionHome@Com