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Question: Is Edward talking differently in Breaking Dawn!?
Does he ever use the word "love" in the other books when he's talking/referring to Bella!?Like shes trying to give him an accent or something in this one!?I only hear guys with like British/English accents use that term when referring to someone!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Yeah!. I didn't quite understand that!. I guess since the movie is coming out and that Edward has sort of a British accent!.
I'm not sure!.
That's the only reason I could think of!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No, Edward used "love" a lot in Eclipse!. My friends say it to me all the time (I'm Australian) It doesn't sound weird in our accent!.
Ugh, but how annoying was it when he used "Jazz" and "Em"!?!? He used it like three times or something!. Even Alice called Jasper "Jazz" once!. That was really irritating!. Edward never called them anything resembling that, and Edward is depicted as an old-fasioned gentleman!. It made him sound really strange!.

he used it in eclipse too but he's saying it more now!. stephenie meyer wouldnt give him an accent this late in the series!. and besides i dont think it would give him an accent!.!.!.but whatever!. he is saying that to her now because they are closer than ever before!. but aw!. i think he sounds adorable when he says that!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yeah, but I think it's rather sweet!. He calls Bella "love" or "sweetheart!." The disturbing part is that they're starting to call Jasper "Jazz!." Ugh! I`m glad it wasn`t Jazzie, though!. That would've crossed the line!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

He said it a little bit before and he's deinately saying it more now, but No, It doesn't mean he has developed an accent, its just his prefered term of endearmentWww@QuestionHome@Com

AH YES! And Calling Jasper JAZZ and Rosalie ROSE!.
Breaking Dawn was sooo different!. *pouts*Www@QuestionHome@Com

He says it more in BD, but I dont think its suppose to mean he suddenly has an accent!.
His accent/voice/language is suppose to be early American!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i just finished it finally it was great and dont think that gives him that accentWww@QuestionHome@Com

who cares!?Www@QuestionHome@Com
