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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Did anyone like the 12 dark hunter book acheron?

Question: Did anyone like the 12 dark hunter book acheron!?
I'd like an honest opinion good or bad!? and is it worth reading!? happy ending please no spoilers just yes or no and did it meet ur standards Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
First 400 pages or so is Acheron's back story!. That part is hard to read!. His life as a human was horrible beyond the imaginable!. I had to skim, I just couldn't deal with it!.

The second part is his actual love story!. I liked it a lot, but I did feel it was too short!. More than half of the book is past story!. As to that respect, I was a bit disappointed even when I have never been a hard core Ash fan like others (there are lots of fans that had been waiting for this book for years) Other than that, I enjoyed it and I did think it was worth reading!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Are you talking about Sherrilyn Kenyon's book coming soon, titled
If it is, I haven't read it yet, but am anticipating his story!. Www@QuestionHome@Com