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Question: Your favorite moment in twilight!?
what was your favorite moment in stephanie meyers first book twilight!?
mine was when bella asked edward if shed been sleeping talking adn he said yeh, you said you loved me, and bella was like u already knew, edward goes yeh but its still good to hear, and the bella learnt over to edward and whispered "i love you"

whats yours!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

My favourite was when he took her into the meadow and they openly talked and later when he kissed her for the first time, and when he stayed with her for the night!. Chapters 13-14 really!. Best part of the book!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Um, I have to list a few!. I love that moment too!. Here are others!.

-In the meadow, when Bella lied her head against Edward's chest and he wrapped his arms around her!.

-When Bella woke up in the hospital in Phoenix and Edward was there!.

-When Edward kissed Bella and the heart monitor went crazy,

-When Edward was interrogating Bella, she said her favorite gemstone was topaz!.

I basically like all of the moments in Twilight!. Except the sad ones where Bella is away fro Edward!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

My favorite part is when they're in the meadow!. It's so sweet!.

And Edward, being his godlike, hot-self, glows in the sun and stuff!. I don't know, I just thought that was freaking cool!. He shines in the sun!!! And that's where they share their first kiss!. Yay!!! But the only problem, is that Edward kisses her wrong!.!.!.!.

He's like all, "Hey, there's something I've been wanting to do!.!.!." and then he kisses her!.!.!.!.it's weird!. But so sweet!.

Ahh! Twilight is my favorite series!!!! I'm reading Eclipse!. Well, finishing it, really!.!.!.!.resisting temptation of opening Breaking Dawn!!!!

-The Awesome One :DWww@QuestionHome@Com

omg waaaaaaaaaay to many!.!.

in twilight:
the whole dinner were bella guesses he is a vampire
the lion and the lamb thing
medow scene
bella meets the cullens
bella and jasper talking jasper saying "you are worth it"

new moon:
mike puking
jacob being such an adorable cute guy
the whole volturi thing!.!.!. i find it facinating
alice stealing a sport car
the vote

the fight
bella and jacobs talk
jacob saying something along the lines of this should have been our first kiss after he kisses her nicely
charlies conditions
charlies sex talk
techincally i cant sleep with you - ed cullen
will you stop taking you clothes off - ed cullen
bella feeling rejected cause edward wont sleep with her

breaking dawn:
nessie!? you named my daughter after the lock ness monster
emmett vs bella am wrestle
edward reads bellas mind
new vampire come!.!.!. soo cool
j jenks
jacob imprinting on bella
edward calling jacob son
the whole bella flips out on jake for imprinting of her daughter thing - easily second best to the tent scene
jacob and leah banter
jacob and leah talk about seth being dropped on his head and knawing at lead bars
quil making kissy faces at jake
jake wondering if he shoots him self in the temple if it will be a mess
book of jacob's chapter titles
"just throw it out the window" jake talking about nessie
jake and rosalie banter!.!.!. OMG SOOO FUNNY 3RD FAV
quil and clare moments
jared being evil and calling leah lee-lee

and above all sm's stupid nicknames!.!.!.

lee lee
haha soo much fun to make fun of
yet the books are sooo good!.!.!. haha hope that helps!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Twilight - When Bella wakes up in the hospital seeing Edward & the Port Angeles scene!.
New Moon - When Bella stops Edward from stepping out into the sun!.
Eclipse - When Edward proposes to Bella!. Hands down!.
Breaking Dawn - When Bella shows Edward what shes thinking!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The baseball game and all the parts where they are being chased by the evil vampire forget his name!. I love that book!

Oh, I also love at the end when they go to the prom that's hilarious!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I loved the part where Edward back his car out to stop bella leaving the car park at school so that tyler could ask her to the dance!.!.!.!.!.and them later he laugh with her about itWww@QuestionHome@Com

um when Edward bought Bella dinner in Port Angeles!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I like any bit with jake in it!.
he cracks me up soo much!!!!
He was way more funny in new moon, eclipse and breaking dawn though!.

My favorite moment was when I kissed Bella!.
A little!.!.!.intense!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

When the final book of the series endedWww@QuestionHome@Com

the whole Port Angeles scene :] i like yours too!.

i love when edward saves bella when tylers car is about to smash herWww@QuestionHome@Com