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Position:Home>Books & Authors> What do you think happens after breaking dawn? (there are spoilers)

Question: What do you think happens after breaking dawn!? (there are spoilers)
i kinda wished there was more of an ending like what happened to the characters in the end, but i liked the book!.

i guess bella would be able to see her family again and eventually will tell the truth to both parents!. the volturi are still mad apparently so they'll pop up eventually and eventually will get destroyed!.!.!. so nessie will only live for 15 yrs!? or longer like that other half immortal character!? do u think bella will go to dartmouth!? wow how will nessie get her education!? and jacob too lol!? i guess the book raises more questions at the end Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
i think that the Volturi will come for a fight, and Nessie will be able to fight!. I also do think that Bella will go to Dartmouth, if Edward does!. I that Jacob will stay with the Cullen's, if Bella goes to college, to be with Resenmee!. Charlie will probably find out somehow that his daughter is a vampire!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i wish there was more to the epilogue too, like going like 20 years to the future, but other than that i really did love the ending, and i guess anything is possiblee!. The open ending gives you the chance to let your imagination go wilddWww@QuestionHome@Com

i guess nessie will be seen as one of tose unaturally smart people who can go to colledge at like 13! but yes the book rose alot of questions!! i think the voturi will come back to pick another fight! but they will lose because all of the vampires will band together!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I guess they wont!. I mean Carslile makes enough money for both of them and they technically went to high school so thats covered!.and no one really knows about nessie so they dont have to send her to schoolWww@QuestionHome@Com

I think nessie grows alittle more and the volturi come and have a fight!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think there might be a 5th book!. XD Not sure, though!. o!.oWww@QuestionHome@Com