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Position:Home>Books & Authors> How great would it be if Stephenie Meyer created a new Breaking Dawn...

Question: How great would it be if Stephenie Meyer created a new Breaking Dawn!.!.!.
cleaning up the horrid mess and making it a little more PG-13/R instead of the innatural PG-ness of the whole thing!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
i was really upset the few hours *coughs* days when i finished BD but the more i let it simmer in my head the more comfortable i got with it!. i still thought some parts were highly disappointing but others where really sweet!.
so yeah i could see why most of us would want a new BD but the truth is (And it takes a lot of effort to say this) we probably wouldn't have been happy anyway!.
so i'll stick with this version cause i know it's the original!.
anyway isn't that what fanfic is for!? lol

actually maybe i am not over it yet cause thinking about it is making me upset so i'll stop writing now!. :)Www@QuestionHome@Com