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Question: How is this for a plot for a book!?
Okay, so I'm 13, I write books, (usually large novels) and am getting this one along with my other book "Technology: The 7th element" Published!.
But here's the description of this book, I am hoping to get feedback on!.
Title: The Never Ending River
Protagonist: Courtney Novella
Secondary Characters: Ali Walters, Mike Gutter, and Jeremy Cronk
Type: Tragedy-Thriller
Short Description:
Courtney Novella has never fit in with her age group and was bullied constantly!. She and her other outcasts Ali, Mike, and Geremy!. Have always stuck together!. Then they find out they won a vacation!. To the sweet sunset of Hawaii!. Sounds great eh!?
Courtney had a bad gut from that from the first minute, but Ali convinces her to go!. But then the worst happened!. The plane crashed on and uncharted island god knows where, and they realize that only the four of them remain amongst the living!. After days of waiting they find out that the only person or people, that can save them is themselves!. So they quest for civilization, survival, and some even find love in the process!. But in the end, someone has to die!.!.!.!.
What is the point of my title: They have to follow a river, that seems endless!.


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
i think i sould really good i mean i would totally read it i mean the description had me totally hooked from the begining

so your getting it published
so like it will be out in stores if so tell me i would totally by it is sounds great

email me and tell me if it will be out in stores at


Why does someone have to die!? I don't get it!. An uncharted island!? Where are these uncharted islands!?

I'm just being picky!. It does sound good though!. I just hope you find a good reason that all four teenagers (I'm assuming they're teenagers) win a vacation to Hawaii, seeing as you would have to be 18 to win a contest of any kind like that!.

Just try not to make it too much like Lord of the Flies or Lost style!. Nobody likes a copy of something else!. Good luck to you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It sounds like it has promise!. I don't really like this kind of story, but there are plenty who do!. Of course the line 'some even find love in the process' could, by itself, convince me to give it a shot, and I do love stories about unlikely heroes taking control of their own fate!. Good luck and keep writing! Www@QuestionHome@Com

It doesn't really flow together!.
Maybe you'll explain more in the book when you write it, but right now it doesn't connect to well!.
Maye if you add something or take an idea out!.!.!.
Don't get me wrong, it sounds like a good idea, but it has too many things that don't go!.
You don't want to over complicate it!.
Good luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com

great!! A bit of advice though!. Plan the whole thing out!. Just think of how JK rowling must of did it 4 harry potter!!

Ive started stories got into a lot of it then didnt know wat 2 do!. PLAN IT OUT!.

How do u publish a book anyways!. Im workin on one!. Im 12!. good luck Www@QuestionHome@Com

change courtney's last name!. novella is a type of short novel, and it just doesn't sound right!.

on subject of plot!.!.!.i don't really like survival stories that much, but i can't speak for other people!.


It seems interesting but the plot doesn′t work!. It seems like the whooe death thing is a little unnecessary for a book about teenagers on a desert island!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

pretty good actually!. you have a decent outline, I think it sounds very interesting!. good luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com

it sounds really good!. i would actually read it =)Www@QuestionHome@Com